BOOM! That's the sound of the explosion of this week's new books. There were quite a few crazy books out this week. Are you interested in comic book events? Not only do we have Fear Itself and some tie-ins, we also had the next Flashpoint along with several of the mini-series tie-ins. Along with those, we have continuations of big story lines as well as some new series.

Below you will find reviews for the books we were able to review today. Let us know what you think as well as what other books you reviewed.
Flashpoint #2

I am excited. With all the recent events and mini-events, it's not easy to get excited these days. We've heard the news about how the entire DC Universe could be changing. To me, that makes this mini-series even more important and fun to read. We are seeing new versions of the entire universe and you don't know what to expect. Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert keep you on the edge of your seat with amazing visuals and kick ass dialogue. The best part is the interaction between Barry Allen and this world's version of Batman. If you've ever had an interest in DC Comics and plan on reading them, you really need to be here for this. With the little peeks at some of the other characters in this world, it does feel a little like a tease for the mini-series but there's no denying the feeling of reading a comic universe again for the first time.
To read Tony's full review, click here.
Fear Itself #3

I've been reviewing Fear Itself since issue one, so I've had a little bit of time to absorb this series as a whole. This issue surprised the hell out of me due to the fact that the story's actually getting somewhere, instead of relying on more set-up. Fear Itself is actually interesting me now, as opposed to just going through the crossover motions.
I really like how Fraction's split up the story, using the Avengers as the "action" and Thor as the "story", if you will. Thor getting to the bottom of the Serpent makes sense because of its ties to Asgard; hopefully the story will merge soon.
To read Matt's full review, click here.
Flashpoint: Batman - Knight of Vengeance #1

I've read all of the Flashpoint tie-ins so far, and this is by far my favorite. It's so much more than Batman in a new suit. It's a complete reinvention of the character, and it's done exceptionally well. The writing, by Brian Azzarello, is fantastic, as well as the art, by Eduardo Risso. It's the most fun read I've had today, hands down. If you're only going to read one tie-in to Flashpoint, make sure it's this book.
To read Mat's full review, click here.
Moon Knight #2

Moon Knight is becoming such a crazy guy. The move to LA is a great idea and Moon Knight is now developing a style of fighting due to his time with Captain America, Wolverine and Spider-Man. There's always been the question of how sane Moon Knight is but he appears to be going completely over the edge. I can only hope this will soon get least a little bit. Bendis is putting the pieces out there, giving us a different Moon Knight series (compared to all the other ones that sadly got canceled). With Maleev on board, we are off to a great start in this volume. It's hard to say where this new direction will take Moon Knight and that is part of the fun. We are going into the unknown versus having the typicalsuperhero fighting the bad guys that we've seen so many times. There is plenty of action, humor and twists that should bring a smile to your face.
To read Tony's full review, click here.
Wonder Woman #611

It's been a long time since I've been able to confidently say I really enjoy this Wonder Woman comic and I am really looking forward to the next issue. I can finally say that with this issue. We are almost there.
To read Sara's full review, click here.
Hulk #34

A large part of me wants to dislike this story, but I can't. This issue was a lot of fun, even if it did feel like a rehash of Planet Hulk with Red Hulk in Banner's place. I really hope there's a connection between the two stories and this two-parter isn't just "for fun." Jeff Parker has turned this book around and brought it back to life. He brought fun to the table, without going overboard. This book is no longer about "Who is the Red Hulk?" It's all about how can Ross redeem himself as a person and as a super-hero. I recommend this story whether you read Planet Hulk or not. You'll have fun, regardless.
To read Mat's full review, click here.
Flashpoint: Abin Sur - The Green Lantern #1

Even though I knew about this mini-series for months and that it would feature Abin Sur, it wasn't until I started reading that I thought about how crazy things could be. It's often said that one little incident that happens differently could greatly affect the outcome of things, Abin surviving does away with Hal being a Green Lantern. The thought of everything he was involved in as a Green Lantern makes you wonder how it all turned out. This issue does try to give us glimpses of some of those huge events but it starts to give you a feeling of too much. This issue has the task of catching us up on this new world along with where the mini-series will go. I felt like I had to pause to catch my breath after reading. Lots of cool things here. My fingers are crossed the next issue blows me away further.
To read Tony's full review, click here.
Thunderbolts #158

This is a good book, don't get me wrong, but as a new reader, I was completely confused to what was going on and who most of the characters in the book were. New readers will have a really hard time jumping in here, especially those who are reading for the Fear Itself tie-in, but Thunderbolts fans will really love this issue. This is one of those tough times where I really enjoyed the book, but had little to no clue about the series. If I was a on-going reader of Thunderbolts, I easily could have given this a 4.5, but Juggernaut's helmet and my lack of knowledge dropped this puppy to a 3.5
To read Mat's full review, click here.
Secret Six #34

Pick up this book - I'll come out straight away and say it.
Gail Simone's managed to put together a team that is interesting and utilizes each character well. Each person has their role within the unit and manages to find time to have their own stories; this isn't a "Scandal Savage and her cronies" book; it's a Secret Six book. And that's the way it should stay.
To read Matt's full review, click here.
Uncanny X-Force #11

There is no element of this issue that I didn't enjoy. The story is totally original, and predominantly character driven; something we don't see often enough with X-Men comics. As a reader, you begin to really care about the characters and you may find yourself invested in the story. The issue is breathtaking too, with gorgeous art by Mark Brooks, Andrew Currie and Dean White, there's nothing to complain about when it comes to X-Force #11. If you haven't read X-Force and would like to, this is the perfect place to start.
To read Sara's full review, click here.
Superboy #8

I can't really say "don't buy this book" because the series as a whole has been great so far, and the events of this arc are sure to tie up the lingering plot threads. However, I can see this story being the "iffy" trade paperback I only buy for completion's sake, if anything else. Since it's still in the opening stages, I'll give it a chance, but for now, I'll remain skeptical.
To read Matt's full review, click here.
Amazing Spider-Man #663

Peter Parker's BIG TIME change continues as he has his big day. It's a day he's waited for his entire life. Too bad the appearance of Eddie Brock as Anti-Venom and Mister Negative will probably put a damper on the celebration. Slott is back after a two-issue break and it's great seeing Peter Parker showcase just how brilliant he is. The back-ups featuring Cloak and Dagger in an Infested lead in along with a story by Todd Dezago and Todd Nauck are an added bonus. I'm still not used to Brock as Anti-Venom but it's safe to assume we're in for some crazy Spidey vs. Eddie battle action. Now all we need is Venom and Carnage to have a proper symbiote party.
To read Tony's full review, click here.
Flashpoint: Secret Seven #1

Today, I gave a Flashpoint tie-in a 5 out of 5, and in the same day, another tie-in gets 1.5 out of 5. Not all tie-ins are worth your money. The book is a dull read, and unless you care about the Changing Man, you're not going to care about this book. This book does have some promise, but frankly, it is not worth your time. The Batman and Abin Sur Flashpoint tie-ins are vastly superior Secret Seven. I say skip the issue and maybe come back for number two, depending on how that is. I have a feeling that it will pick up but remember, not all tie-ins are created equal.
To read Mat's full review, click here.
Irredeemable #26

I'm amazed that a comic about the world's best hero become its worst enemy could last for over two years now. Because it's been written by Mark Waid, that shouldn't be much of a surprise. We don't often get books featuring villains as the lead character and Irredeemable is always a nice change of pace. While Plutonian's threat against Earth may have temporarily been dealt with, it's clear that we are about to see another eruption. There is action and story development but it does feel like the lull before a storm. The art is divided between Peter Krause and Diego Barreto, something that always bothers me in comics but the two do a great job and their pages are nicely divided. I always tell people they should be reading Irredeemable simply because you never know what's going to happen next.
To read Tony's full review, click here.
Sweet Tooth #22

This storyline is really, intriguing, even if it's taken until issue three to get to "the point". Hopefully next issue will answer a lot of questions I have, like the motives of the environmentalists, if the guy living in the dam is a threat, and whether the Gus brigade will ever find some kind of peace. I recommend this issue and series as a whole, but this issue falls a little bit short, especially compared to the amazing writing of the issue before it.
This issue a transition; there has to be a little bit of narrative before things kick into high gear towards the end, and part three accomplishes it well.
To read Matt's full review, click here.
Hellboy: The Fury #1

Hellboy is always my go to comic when I want to read something I know I will enjoy. I really liked this issue; not only because it deals with Hellboy's relationship to King Arthur, but also because it is the perfect mix of action and suspense. The story isn't just good, it's also well written, plotted and executed. You know a comic is really good when the artist is able to depict 3 pages of story with little to no dialogue. I highly recommend this issue.
To read Sara's full review, click here.
Reed Gunther #1

Your inner child will love this comic, and so will your favorite kid. If you're looking for something cute and silly that will surely get you to laugh out loud,then I highly recommend you check out this issue.
To read Sara's full review, click here.
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