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?Were it left to me to decide whether we should have government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.? ? Thomas Jefferson, 1787
NEW YORK (AP) ? ESPN anchor Hannah Storm will return to the air on New Year's Day, exactly three weeks after she was seriously burned in a propane gas grill accident at her home.
Storm suffered second-degree burns on her chest and hands, and first-degree burns to her face and neck. She lost her eyebrows and eyelashes, and roughly half her hair.
Storm will host ABC's telecast of the 2013 Rose Parade on Tuesday. Her left hand will be bandaged and she said viewers might notice a difference in her hair texture where extensions have been added.
"I'm a little nervous about things I used to take for granted," she said by phone this weekend from Pasadena, Calif. "Little things like putting on makeup and even turning pages on my script."
The award-winning sportscaster and producer was preparing dinner outside her home in Connecticut on the night of Dec. 11 when she noticed the flame on the grill had gone out. She turned off the gas and when she reignited it "there was an explosion and a wall of fire came at me."
"It was like you see in a movie, it happened in a split-second," she said. "A neighbor said he thought a tree had fallen through the roof, it was that loud. It blew the doors off the grill."
With her left hand, she tore off her burning shirt. She tried to use another part of her shirt to extinguish the flames that engulfed her head and chest, while yelling for help. Her 15-year-old daughter, Hannah, called 911 and a computer technician who was working in the house grabbed some ice as Storm tried to cool the burns.
Soon, police and rescue teams arrived at the house. Storm's husband, NBC sportscaster Dan Hicks, also had returned home with another of the couple's three daughters. As her mother was being treated, the younger Hannah calmly said something that, days later, her mom could laugh about.
"OK, Mommy, I'm going to do my homework now," she said.
Storm was taken by ambulance to the Trauma and Burn Center at Westchester Medical Center and was treated for 24 hours.
"I didn't see my face until the next day and you wonder how it's going to look," she said. "I was pretty shocked. But my overarching thought was I've covered events with military members who have been through a lot worse than me, and they've come through. I kept thinking, 'I can do this. I'm fortunate.'"
Other than going to Christmas Eve Mass, Storm hadn't been outside until her trip to California. ESPN reworked its anchor schedule while she was recovering, and NBC and the Golf Channel rearranged their staffing while Hicks attended to his wife.
Storm is set to host her fifth Rose Parade, with some changes. She's left-handed, and taking notes is almost impossible. Dressing and showering are challenges, too.
Storm said that long before her accident, she'd been inspired by Iraq War veteran, actor and "Dancing With the Stars" winner J.R. Martinez, the grand marshal at last year's parade. He was severely burned in a land mine accident while serving overseas.
One attraction of this year's parade that she was eager to see ? the Nurses' Float, and she hoped to use that moment on air to thank everyone who had taken care of her.
Storm wants to anchor "SportsCenter" in Bristol, Conn., next Sunday. After that, the Notre Dame alum is ready to go in person to watch the No. 1 Irish play Alabama in the national championship game at Miami. She said the school reached out after hearing about her injuries and had been very supportive.
"More than anything, I feel gratitude," she said. "Something like this really makes you appreciate everything you have, even the chance to wake up on New Year's Day and do your job."
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Financial markets would be affected adversely if U.S. lawmakers fail to agree on a "fiscal cliff" deal before Tuesday, President Barack Obama said in an interview broadcast on Sunday, while urging Congress to act quickly to extend tax cuts for middle-class Americans.
Lawmakers are seeking a last-minute deal that would set aside $600 billion in tax increases and across-the-board government spending cuts that are set to start within days. If Congress does not make that happen, the first bill brought up in the new year would be to reduce taxes for middle-income families, Obama told NBC's "Meet the Press."
"Now I think that over the next 48 hours, my hope is that people recognize that, regardless of partisan differences, our top priority has to be to make sure that taxes on middle-class families do not go up. That would hurt our economy badly," Obama said in the interview taped on Saturday.
"We can get that done. Democrats and Republicans both say they don't want taxes to go up on middle-class families. That's something we all agree on. If we can get that done, that takes a big bite out of the 'fiscal cliff.' It avoids the worst outcomes," Obama added.
Low income tax rates first put in place under Republican former President George W. Bush are due to expire at the end of the day on Monday - the last day of 2012.
Obama said that failing to reach a deal would have a negative impact on financial markets.
"If people start seeing that on January 1st this problem still hasn't been solved, that we haven't seen the kind of deficit reduction that we could have had had the Republicans been willing to take the deal that I gave them ... then obviously that's going to have an adverse reaction in the markets," he said.
Obama met with congressional leaders at the White House on Friday and declared himself cautiously optimistic about the chances of an agreement, but he noted in the interview that nothing had materialized since then.
"I was modestly optimistic yesterday, but we don't yet see an agreement. And now the pressure's on Congress to produce," he said.
The Senate is scheduled to hold a rare Sunday session beginning at 1 p.m. EST (1800 GMT), but it was not clear whether the chamber would have fiscal-cliff legislation to act upon.
Obama sketched out what he believed to be the most likely scenarios the end the back-and-forth between both sides. Either the congressional leaders would come up with a deal, or Democrats in the Senate would bring a bill to the floor seeking an up-or-down vote to extend tax cuts for middle income earners.
"And if all else fails, if Republicans do in fact decide to block it, so that taxes on middle class families do in fact go up on January 1st, then we'll come back with a new Congress on January 4th and the first bill that will be introduced on the floor will be to cut taxes on middle class families," he said.
Obama chided Republicans for resisting his call for tax rates to go up for the top two percent of U.S. earners despite what he viewed as significant compromises on his part to cut spending and reform expensive social programs for the poor and elderly.
"They say that their biggest priority is making sure that we deal with the deficit in a serious way, but the way they're behaving is that their only priority is making sure that tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans are protected. That seems to be their only overriding, unifying theme," Obama said.
"The offers that I've made to them have been so fair that a lot of Democrats get mad at me. I mean I offered to make some significant changes to our entitlement programs in order to reduce the deficit," he said.
(Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by David Brunnstrom)
My husband and I think we?ve found a way to pay off our mortgage early, without taking on an extra job or working nights. We?ve decided to construct a rental unit ? a ?mother-in-law suite? ? within our home. If it pans out as we hope, the rental income will let us pay off our loan 10 years early. And who knows: It could give us a chance to live closer to family as we, or they, get on in years.
Jason and I are not alone; lots of folks across the country are experimenting with adding a second (or third) dwelling to an existing single-family home. And in perhaps the most interesting development, more and more people are choosing to buck the ?bigger is better? trend in North American housing. They?re taking small spaces ? backyards, side lots, or freestanding garages ? and using them to build tiny houses.
Ranging from 800 square feet to less than 100 square feet ? a far cry from the 1,000 square feet per person that has become the North American norm ? these ?doll houses? take many shapes and sizes. And the people who live in them are as diverse as the homes themselves. Some hope to save money on housing; others hope to ?live green? by choosing a smaller space; some are trading living space for a neighborhood they love; and others want to live closer to family or friends.
Here are some of their stories.
Jay Shafer, a founding father of the tiny home movement and a co-owner of the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company,?told the BBC: ?People are thinking more about what really is a luxury now. Is it a 30-year mortgage, or is it just living simply and having the time to do more of what you want? And I think a lot of people are starting to really change their idea of the American Dream.?
Dee Williams decided to rethink her American Dream after building a school in Guatemala and having a close friend get cancer made her reevaluate her priorities. ?He was getting sicker and sicker, and I didn?t have the time or the money to really throw myself into helping him. I was spending a lot of time and money on my house. So the house was the easiest thing to try to get rid of,? Williams told?Yes! magazine. So?she sold her 1,500-square-foot Portland home?and built an 84-square-foot tiny home for $10,000. Now she lives without a mortgage, giving her the time and money to invest in her friends and community.
Akua Schatz and Brendon Purdy?s dream was to live near relatives, but they couldn?t afford a home in Vancouver, B.C.?s Dunbar neighborhood. Instead of moving to the suburbs, they decided to build a 500-square-foot laneway home in Purdy?s parents? backyard. In a city where the?average home price is $725,086, Schatz and Purdy spent $280,000 to build their home.
Mini HomeSchatz and Purdy?s laneway home; view from the alley.
There?s another plus to their backyard home: Schatz and Purdy have babysitters just feet away from their front door. ?It?s really a North American concept to have success tied to moving away or distancing yourself, so maybe we?re reinventing what it means to be successful, and that means keeping family close,? Schatz suggests in?this video from CTV news.
Build SmallThe laneway home sits in the backyard of Purdy?s parents? home.
But unlike Schatz and Purdy, who plan to eventually switch places with Purdy?s parents and live in the larger home as their family grows, Jon and Ryah Dietzen moved from their 1,500-square-foot home to a 400-square-foot cottage with two toddlers. They made the move for its financial freedom, but the benefits didn?t stop there. ?We realized after a few months how much time, freedom, and peace we were gaining by not collecting and spending our time taking care of more ?stuff,?? Jon Dietzen told me. By choosing a smaller house, they found a better balance between work and home life.
Royce TillotsonThe Dietzens remodeled a garage into a cottage. Here is the ?before? shot.Royce TillotsonA view of the remodeled space.
The Dietzens prove that tiny homes can work even for a family of four, and that they?re not just for couples, seniors, or singles.
Royce TillotsonA lot in a small space: kitchen island, living room, and a bedroom behind a curtain.
Small homes combat neighborhood decline brought on by shrinking household sizes. Adding people can revitalize a neighborhood, allowing schools to stay open, giving neighborhood businesses more customers, making transit service cost-effective, and saving on infrastructure costs. Infilling neighborhoods with backyard cottages helps add more people to a neighborhood, without altering its character.
As homeowners build small dwellings, they provide lower-cost housing within the existing fabric of their neighborhood, with no government support necessary. Vancouver?s planning director, Brent Toderian,?sees this?as the essential value of the trend towards small homes: ?[It?s] about ordinary people. Thousands of individual homeowners can do it, one by one by one. It?s publicly propelled, not corporate-propelled, densification. It?s gradual. It?s discreet. It?s green.?
Now that many cities have figured out backyard cottage rules, they face a new challenge: dealing with homes even tinier than the typical accessory dwelling. Some cities? regulations set minimum size requirements for dwellings. Others say a recreational vehicle can?t count as an accessory dwelling unit, which means ?you can camp in your little house, but not live in it,??writes Dee Williams. Tiny houser Lina Menard suggests that ?people should have the right to a tiny house as long as it accommodates their needs and desires.? But for people to exercise that right, cities will have to rethink the zoning rules that stand in the way of tiny homes.
Lina MenardLina Menard with her possessions, sitting outside a tiny home she lived in for 10 months. Lina MenardMenard?s tiny home includes a sleeping loft that she shares with her cat, Raffi.
After a year in a 120-square-foot tiny home, Menard has a good idea of how to live well in a small space. ?I think one of the biggest lessons I?ve learned is that I?m much happier when I live with just the things I like best. My relationship to stuff has shifted dramatically over the past year and a half. I?m much less materialistic than I used to be. But I really appreciate the little touches, too. It?s not about deprivation, but about intention,? Menard told me.
She recognizes that tiny-home living isn?t for everyone, but thinks there?s a way to broaden its appeal: the ?cohousing? model, where tiny homes would be coupled with shared kitchens, laundry facilities, guest rooms, and even amenities like barbeques, workshops, and gardens. ?Tiny cohousing would just push the envelope,??Menard writes in her blog. ?People who lived in a tiny house community would have?access?to all these things, but they wouldn?t have to?own?all these things themselves,? Menard explains.
Lina MenardA view down from the sleeping loft into Menard?s main living space.
Eli Spevak, owner of Orange Splot, LLC, has developed several innovative housing projects in Portland. ?My goal is to keep modeling new ways of providing affordable, community-oriented houses,? Spevak told?The Oregonian.
The Sabin Green cohousing community brings Spevak?s goals to fruition. Sabin Green includes four homes, built on a 75-by-100-foot lot. The lot had a single-family home and detached garage. The single-family home remains, but the detached garage was converted into a 600-square-foot cottage. A second home and a 600-square-foot accessory dwelling were built as well. The four homes face onto a central courtyard, but they also have access to shared gardens, a community room with space for visitors, and a bike storage shed. The sharing doesn?t stop with physical improvements: Residents also use just one internet service, share a newspaper subscription, and meet for weekly dinners.
Eli SpevakSabin Green before its transformation.The new view from the street.
The project is home to a diverse group, including a young couple, retirees, a single woman, and a small family. Residents Laura Ford and Josh Devine paid just under $150,000 for their 530-square-foot home. They downsized from a 700-square-foot apartment, but see the loss of square footage as worth the cost. ?If you live by yourself, you might not be able to afford the brick plaza, the teahouse, the gardens,? Devine told?The Oregonian.
Eli SpevakThe detached garage was converted into a separate residence.Steve HambuchenThe back deck from one Sabin Green home shows the view into the shared courtyard.
Ruth?s Garden Cottages ? covered by Sightline?here ? takes tiny-home communities to another level. On a 50-by-100-foot lot in Northeast Portland that housed one small dwelling,?Orange Splot added two tiny cottages, each less than 200 square feet in size. The miniature structures have room for a sleeping loft, a bathroom, and a well-proportioned front porch. The cottages make use of the kitchen in the main home. A shared garden takes up the front 50 feet of the lot.
Mike O?BrienThe view of Ruth?s Cottages from the street. Mike O?BrienThe main house contains a full kitchen that all Ruth?s Cottages residents can use, but the cottages also have modest kitchen facilities for quick snacks. Eli SpevakFront porches and a common courtyard provide outdoor living ?rooms.?
The?recession and housing crisis, combined with?changing demographics, have led many of us to reevaluate what we want in a home. More and more folks are looking for homes within walking distance of jobs, stores, and transit ? and have proven willing to trade square footage for a vibrant neighborhood. At the same time, millennials increasingly look for alternatives to the car; baby boomers have reached the age where they don?t need a big home in the ?burbs; and more and more families are choosing to live in?multi-generational households.
Tiny houses are a great solution for all these needs. So whether you are a?recent graduate wanting to be free from high rent, or?a family looking to live without a mortgage, or you want to turn your detached garage into a mother-in-law suite, a small home might be for you. As Marcus Barksdale, who built his own small home in Asheville, N.C.,?said in this interview: ?It would be really neat if more people sought to have smaller spaces, because it would free them up for a larger life.?
Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by ifebosco: 11:21am On Dec 29
THE society is a reflection of the aggregate of values and priorities of its members. There are few things around us, both good and bad, that did not originate as a ?thought? in the mind of an individual or group of individuals. Consequently, if some societies are ordered and relatively more qualitative while others are in disarray, this is a direct result of the (in)actions of the inhabitants of these societies. If you are an African, ask yourself these simple questions, and the reason for the dire circumstance of the mother continent will come home to you. Have you ever,
1. Entered a packed banking hall and instead of joining the queue, sought out the ?sister of your friend?s cousin? who happens to work somewhere in the building, in order to circumvent the queue and in the process increase the misery of those doing it the right way by prolonging their waiting times 2. Driven against the flow of traffic simply because it looks expedient at the time 3. Given money to the ubiquitous civil servant to ensure that your document gets signed on the same day, when the standard procedure is to wait for two weeks 4. Induced a police officer to look the other way because your car papers are not in order and you are too sloppy to attend to it 5. Manipulated the system to obtain admission for your ward, knowing full well that s/he did not merit such consideration, and in so doing deprive a better qualified candidate the opportunity 6. Known a friend/family member living ostensibly above their means and legitimate income and rather than question the anomaly, asked for your share of the unexplained windfall 7. Voted for someone simply because s/he is from your geographical region, religion, speaks the same language and other such spurious reasons, rather than the merit and fitness of the person 8. Heaped curses and abuses on your Local Government Chairperson, governor and president, and on that single occasion you had audience with the , became a wimp and instead spewed false adulations on him, calling him ?the best thing since sliced bread....? 9. Evaded tax and duties, and then went ahead to bribe the Revenue Officer to issue you a fraudulent Tax Clearance Certificate 10. Obtained a drivers licence without actually being to a testing ground and passing the prescribed practice test 11. Paid less to clear your goods at the port 12. When caught-out one way or the other, is your disposition to take full responsibility for your actions or to immediately start thinking/looking for who can/will bail you out/shield you from the natural consequence of your actions 13. Turned-up late for work and blamed a non-existent traffic congestion 14. Are you the ultimate custodian of the ?African Time?, always late for appointments 15. Do you live only to enjoy the titillations of your five senses, no matter the negative effect of your ?enjoyment? on others and society 16. Are you an academic but have not contributed anything to the body-stock of knowledge; your specialization is indolence and college politics 17. Taken money to vote in a particular way instead of voting your conscience 18. Covered the truth, thwarted the truth or hinder the arbiter of the truth for your own selfish/sinister motives 19. Held others to a higher ?code of conduct? than you demand of yourself 20. Taken money or other valuables under false pretences and justified it on the grounds of ?this is the way it is done here...? 21. Having done the above, did you then enter the church/mosque or other religious congregation and gave testimonies of ?God?s (or Allah?s) goodness? 22. Are you an integral part of your society?s problem and you do not even realise it If ever, you answered ?yes? to many of the preceding posers, you have no ground to stand on and criticize your representatives; they after all represent what you stand for, your modus operandi, your values and your reward systems. The (wo)man to criticize and change is the one looking back at you in the mirror
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by k2039(m): 11:27am On Dec 29
Unfortunately, I'm guilty of noneHard to believe I guess.
1 Like
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by ifebosco: 11:51am On Dec 29
k2039:Unfortunately, I'm guilty of noneHard to believe I guess.
are you a product of our nigerian system?then its hard to believe
1 Like
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by redsun(m): 12:00pm On Dec 29
A society without guided laws,principles,formations,orders and precedences,in other words without culture,can not develop.
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by Callotti: 1:21pm On Dec 29
1 Like
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by nne3870(f): 1:38pm On Dec 29
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by ebamma 3: 1:51pm On Dec 29
@Op are u a learner?
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by ebamma 3: 1:53pm On Dec 29
k2039:Unfortunately, I'm guilty of noneHard to believe I guess.
your own na play, even your pastor is guilty of one of the above crimes,
1 Like
This post has been hidden
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by Sisi_Kill: 1:57pm On Dec 29
Callotti: Because the brains are under-developed!
Couldn't agree with you more.
The day I read people condemning and practically crowing at the plight of an 11 yrs old girl Molested by 5 guys all because of her tribe and what her momma did for a living was the day I kinda gave up hope.
The people who govern the country are a reflection of a large percentage of the people they govern. So why do we expect it to be anything but shitty?
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by safarigirl(f): 2:00pm On Dec 29
1 Like
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by k2039(m): 2:03pm On Dec 29
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by Vikin: 2:04pm On Dec 29
k2039:Unfortunately, I'm guilty of noneHard to believe I guess.
Have you entered a cab or bus where the driver drove against traffic? If yes, you are part.
Have you a drivers license in naija? If yes, who tested you?
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by shagarri: 2:07pm On Dec 29
Majority on here won't read this thread.
There is no D'banj, Tonto, "PIC" or "VIDEO" attached attached to the topic.
Mental laziness should be up there as one of the reasons.
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by mrjingles(m): 2:09pm On Dec 29
This thread wont go far because it contains HARD truth and requires self examination instead of the usual insults of our "leaders" I have always argued that we are a contributors to the corruption around us. Lets ALL agree on that then we can move fwd. We are one of the most hypocritical nation. When someone does something, its "tribalism" "wickedness" etc, when I do it its "sharpness" "smartness". NO society can develop where people are allergic to truth and we wear lies like face cap.
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by Uchenna42: 2:13pm On Dec 29
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by obadiah777: 2:14pm On Dec 29
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by cap28: 2:14pm On Dec 29
these are merely symptoms of a corrupt system and do not address the CAUSE of the corruption which was created by the western imperialist system of capitalism which still dicatates your economic and political system, you need to do more research and look at where the problem originated from as opposed to the end result of that problem which you have listed up there.
until nigeria gets out from under the western hegemony of the UNITED STATES AND THE EU there is no hope for nigeria or any other african nation.
the european nations dictate your economic policies via their international financial institutions ie IMF, world bank and the Paris club
they own and control your media- everything your domestic media reports must be authorised by them first, their own media operates freely and without any restrictions in your countries and their news takes precedence over your own news
your educational system is tailored in accordance with their own educational system
you replace your own religious systems with their own - christianity and islam
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by k2039(m): 2:16pm On Dec 29
Have you enter a cab or bus where the driver drove against traffic? If yes, you are part.
Have you a drivers license in naija? If yes, who tested you?
The driver committed the offence, I didn't he drove against traffic.
About the license, that I wasn't tested was not my fault, they refused to test me
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by proudlyafrican(m): 2:17pm On Dec 29
If this a test question to win One billion naira no Nigerian will pass this test oooo walahi.I think there are certain negative things we have come to accept as normal which has led to our under developed state.
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by k2039(m): 2:18pm On Dec 29
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by Vikin: 2:21pm On Dec 29
The driver committed the offence, I didn't he drove against traffic.
About the license, that I wasn't tested was not my fault, they refused to test me
ThankGod u admitted, then you are no exception.
At post, Nigeria needs total overhauling.
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by safarigirl(f): 2:22pm On Dec 29
these are merely symptoms of a corrupt system and do not address the CAUSE of the corruption which was created by the western imperialist system of capitalism which still dicatates your economic and political system, you need to do more research and look at where the problem originated from as opposed to the end result of that problem which you have listed up there.
until nigeria gets out from under the western hegemony of the UNITED STATES AND THE EU there is no hope for nigeria or any other african nation.
the european nations dictate your economic policies via their international financial institutions ie IMF, world bank and the Paris club
they own and control your media- everything your domestic media reports must be authorised by them first, their own media operates freely and without any restrictions in your countries and their news takes precedence over your own news
your educational system is tailored in accordance with their own educational system
you replace your own religious systems with their own - christianity and islam
guy, you quote essay, still come write essay on top the essay, where will intellectually lazy people like me start from?
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by mrjingles(m): 2:25pm On Dec 29
these are merely symptoms of a corrupt system and do not address the CAUSE of the corruption which was created by the western imperialist system of capitalism which still dicatates your economic and political system, you need to do more research and look at where the problem originated from as opposed to the end result of that problem which you have listed up there.
until nigeria gets out from under the western hegemony of the UNITED STATES AND THE EU there is no hope for nigeria or any other african nation.
the european nations dictate your economic policies via their international financial institutions ie IMF, world bank and the Paris club
they own and control your media- everything your domestic media reports must be authorised by them first, their own media operates freely and without any restrictions in your countries and their news takes precedence over your own news
your educational system is tailored in accordance with their own educational system
you replace your own religious systems with their own - christianity and islam
With all due respect sir this argument is so old and tired, not even marx, engels and lenin can present it with a straight face. The issues raised are simple issues within each ones power. Its high time we stop this "blame the west" knee jerk reaction. Other countries with the same colonial experience have moved forward so that crutch is no longer available.
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by rash47(m): 2:26pm On Dec 29
No much, because generally we lack
Sophistication and the
almighty (mis)blessed us with a
Deafitist mentality rooted in
Crudity and babarity. One conti
nue to wonder that even the bright
est ones amongst us can't make a
Significant change when they '
re around us.
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by bigfat: 2:27pm On Dec 29
because Nigeria is less than 60 yrs and full of blacks governed by a black brain compared to USA at AT 400 yrs old and full of whites governed by a black brain lol fictional too
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by 2legit2qwt: 2:29pm On Dec 29
these are merely symptoms of a corrupt system and do not address the CAUSE of the corruption which was created by the western imperialist system of capitalism which still dicatates your economic and political system, you need to do more research and look at where the problem originated from as opposed to the end result of that problem which you have listed up there.
until nigeria gets out from under the western hegemony of the UNITED STATES AND THE EU there is no hope for nigeria or any other african nation.
the european nations dictate your economic policies via their international financial institutions ie IMF, world bank and the Paris club
they own and control your media- everything your domestic media reports must be authorised by them first, their own media operates freely and without any restrictions in your countries and their news takes precedence over your own news
your educational system is tailored in accordance with their own educational system
you replace your own religious systems with their own - christianity and islam
Bullsh1t!! straight up bullsh1t. I didn't wanna make a comment but this argument drives me nuts. I think the op should include the attitude of blaming others instead of taking responsibilities for our actions. We always wanna take the easy way out which is to blame others for our failures. I have heard this all my life, it's so damn irritating to my ears now.
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by k2039(m): 2:35pm On Dec 29
ThankGod u admitted, then you are no exception.
At post, Nigeria needs total overhauling.
What was I suppose to do in those situations
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by taharqa: 2:37pm On Dec 29
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by Vikin: 2:40pm On Dec 29
What was I suppose to do in those situations
Come down from the bus.
Insist on being tested before getting the license....a good way to start.
No one is going to kill you
1 Like
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by sadeiyare(m): 2:44pm On Dec 29
Have you enter a cab or bus where the driver drove against traffic? If yes, you are part.
Have you a drivers license in naija? If yes, who tested you?
Do you know I went to renew my drivers license and they made it practically impossible for me to get it the right way even when I was determined to, it was so frustrating. After long I just called up an officer and gave their runs ammount which was even far lesser than if I have done it the legal way and in two days time I had a new license bearing Ogun state even though I did it in abuja. My point : The system has almost made it impossible for you to do things the right way. If NIGERIA CAN'T FIGHt CORRUPTION, THEY SHOULD JUST LEGALISE IT lol
Re: Reasons Why Our Society Is Underdeveloped by nnachichi: 2:50pm On Dec 29
shagarri:Majority on here won't read this thread.
There is no D'banj, Tonto, "PIC" or "VIDEO" attached attached to the topic.
Mental laziness should be up there as one of the reasons.
shagarri:Majority on here won't read this thread.
There is no D'banj, Tonto, "PIC" or "VIDEO" attached attached to the topic.
Mental laziness should be up there as one of the reasons.
ABB has won an order worth around $36 million from Sharyland Utilities L.P. to supply and install a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter station in Texas, USA.
The 150-MW back-to-back HVDC converter station will be built in Mission, Texas, where an identical installation was delivered by ABB in 2007. The two stations, part of the Railroad DC Tie Expansion project, will work in parallel to provide a transmission capacity of up to 300 MW. This will increase the power transfer capacity between Texas and Mexico and secure power supply.
?Availability and security of power supplies is key to economic growth and HVDC is a proven technology when it comes to efficient and reliable transmission of electricity,? said Brice Koch, head of ABB?s Power Systems division. ?We are delighted to work with Sharyland Utilities once again on this important interconnection to improve power exchange capability and help enhance the reliability of the grid.?
ABB will design, engineer, supply and install the converter station including high-voltage equipment such as power transformers and thyristor valves. The station is scheduled to go into operation in 2014.
?The expansion of our HVDC facility from 150 MW to 300 MW is a significant project for us, and we are pleased to partner with ABB once again,? said Mark Caskey, Senior Vice President of Sharyland Utilities. ?Based upon our experience with ABB during the initial phase of the project in 2007, we believe their technical strength and HVDC knowledge made this an easy decision.?
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) ? A New Haven attorney is asking permission to sue the state for $100 million on behalf of a student who survived the mass shooting at a Newtown school.
The Hartford Courant reports (http://cour.at/Tvo5v9) that attorney Irving Pinsky filed notice Thursday with Claims Commissioner J. Paul Vance Jr. The state has immunity against most lawsuits unless permission to sue is granted.
Pinsky said the 6-year-old student, identified as "Jill Doe," was in her classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14 when "the horrific confrontation" with Adam Lanza came over the loudspeaker.
Lanza killed 20 first grade students and six adult staffers at the school before killing himself.
Pinsky said the student has been traumatized by the killings, and accused the state of failing to protect students from "foreseeable harm."
While some prospects like Jonathan Huberdeau will be?immediately?rushed into the Florida Panthers lineup once this current lockout is over, other young players will have to rely on good showings in the minors ? as well as some luck. Here are estimated call up chances for some of the Panthers top prospects going into the 2012-2013 season.
Drew Shore (Ross Bonander/THW)
Drew Shore: Taken 44th overall in the 2009 NHL Entry Draft, Drew Shore is starting to show off the kind of talent that initially caught the Panthers attention. Shore is an impressive two-way forward with above average scoring ability who can also use his 6?2 frame to his advantage when fighting for pucks. While Shore may not be a flashy player, his overall game is solid and his defensive abilities could be of great help to the Panthers penalty kill. Shore is currently playing for the San Antonio Rampage of the AHL and is second in team scoring with 20 points (6G 14A).
Shore?s Call Up Chance: 60%
Colby Robak: Taken 46th overall in the 2008 NHL Entry Draft, Colby Robak is in the midst of possibly the most important season of his career. At 6?3?, 207 pounds, Robak has an imposing body that he uses to control the tempo of the game on both ends of the ice. He has a great feel for the game as well as a booming slap shot that he is still learning how to harness. A laundry list of Panthers? injuries led to Robak getting his first NHL call up last season. In three games with the club, Robak?didn?t?record a point, but played well when he was given opportunities. While Robak still has the potential to be a solid NHL defender, other young talented defenders like Erik Gudbranson and Dmitry Kulikov could lead to Robak possibly being traded in the future. In order for Robak to crack the Panthers lineup this season, he would most likely have to jump over both Tyson Strachan and Keaton Ellerby in order to do so. Robak is currently playing for the San Antonio Rampage of the AHL where he leads all team defenders with 14 points (3G 11A).
Robak?s Call Up Chance: 20%
Jacob Markstrom: Taken 31st overall in the 2008 NHL Entry Draft, Jacob Markstrom is one of the most highly touted?goaltending?prospects in the NHL. A native of Sweden, Markstrom is a talented butterfly goaltender with an impressive glove and an even more impressive frame. Standing at 6?3?, Markstrom makes the net seem incredibly tiny to wary shooters. Markstrom was able to make his NHL debut last season and performed exceptionally well (2-4-1 / 2.66 / .923%). ?During this current NHL labor dispute, Markstrom is playing for the San Antonio Rampage and was recently named the??AHL Player of The Week?. When the puck finally drops this season in the NHL, Markstrom will be given the opportunity to shine if veteran net minders Jose Theodore and Scott Clemmensen struggle.
Markstrom?s Call Up Chance: 90%
Alex Petrovic (Courtesy of the Texas Stars)
Alex Petrovic: Taken 36th overall in the 2010 NHL Entry Draft, defenseman Alex Petrovic is making his presence felt in the AHL. In only his first season with the San Antonio Rampage, Petrovic is impressing both fans and management. While his offensive game still needs a lot of polishing, Petrovic?s greatest skill is his physical play on defense and his eagerness to drop the gloves at any time. It is unlikely that Petrovic will play ahead of Tyson Strachan, Keaton Ellerby and Colby Robak, so fans should look for him to spend the rest of the season in the AHL working on his size and skill set. However, heading into the Panthers? 2013-2014 training camp, Petrovic will have a great chance of cracking the NHL roster if he continues to grow in the minors.
Petrovic?s Call Up Chance: 10%
Quinton Howden: Taken 25th overall in the 2010 NHL Entry Draft, Quinton Howden could possibly get his first look of NHL action this year. At left wing, Howden is gifted with exceptional speed and agility, as well as an above average scoring sense. With injury-prone wingers like Tomas Fleischmann and Tomas Kopecky, there is a great chance that Howden could finally break onto the NHL scene. Howden?s quickness and defensive prowess could be an integral part of the Panthers? penalty killing unit both this season and beyond. Currently, Quinton Howden is playing for the San Antonio Rampage, where he has 12 points (6G, 6A) including one shorthanded goal.
Howden?s Call Up Chance: 75%
Nick Bjugstad: Taken 19th overall in the 2010 NHL Entry Draft, Nick Bjugstad is a dark horse candidate to join the Panthers if they reach the playoffs this season. While he is currently enrolled at the University of Minnesota, Bjugstad could make a jump to the NHL after the collegiate season has ended, much like Chris Kreider did for the New York Rangers this past season. Bjugstad is able to use his 6?5? frame to impose his will at both ends of the ice. Whether it?s controlling the puck in the offensive zone or throwing powerful body checks on opposing players, Bjugstad can do it all. His chances of joining the Panthers this season will be directly linked to the success the team has on the ice prior to his arrival. If the Panthers cannot make the playoffs again this season. Bjugstad will most likely have to wait until next season for his NHL debut.
Bjugstad?s Call Up Chance: 10%
More on these topics: Alex Petrovic, Colby Robak, Drew Shore, Jacob Markstrom, Jonathan Huberdeau, Nick Bjugstad, Quinton Howden, San Antonio Rampage
LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) ? Authorities are investigating cough syrup believed to have killed 33 people in eastern Pakistan in the past three days, a government official said Saturday, the second time in recent months that suspect medicine is thought to have caused multiple deaths.
Also Saturday, an explosion ripped through a passenger bus while it was at a terminal in the southern city of Karachi, killing four people and wounding 40 others, police and hospital officials said. It's unclear if the blast was caused by a bomb or a gas cylinder exploding.
The deaths from the cough syrup occurred in Gujranwala and villages surrounding the city, said Abdul Jabbar Shaheen, the top administrative official in Gujranwala. Another 54 people are being treated at hospitals in the city who are also believed to have consumed the syrup. Those involved are thought to be laborers or drug addicts who drank the syrup to get high, said Shaheen.
Chemical samples collected from the victims' stomachs contained dextromethorphan, a synthetic morphine derivative used in cough syrup that can have mind-altering effects if consumed in large quantities, said Shaheen. It is being investigated whether the people affected by the syrup in Gujranwala drank too much of it, or whether there was a problem with the medicine itself, he said.
Twenty-three people died in the nearby city of Lahore in November after drinking bad cough syrup sold under the brand name Tyno. They were also described at the time as people who consumed the drug to get high.
Shaheen said the cough syrup involved in the incidents in and around Gujranwala was not sold under a single brand. He said there were some people in the city involved in the business of making cough syrup specifically to sell to drug addicts, and officials were trying to arrest the culprits.
Officials temporarily closed one Lahore-based pharmaceutical company whose cough syrup was found in the possession of some of those affected in Gujranwala and were investigating whether it caused any of the deaths, said Shaheen.
The blast that ripped through the bus in Karachi on Saturday set the vehicle on fire and reduced it to little more than a charred skeleton. Police were trying to determine whether the explosion was caused by a bomb or a gas cylinder, said police spokesman Imran Shaukat. Many buses in Pakistan run on natural gas.
The explosion killed at least four people and wounded 40 others, some of whom were in critical condition, said Seemi Jamali, a doctor at the hospital in Karachi where they were being treated.
Karachi has a long history of political, ethnic and sectarian violence. It is also believed to be home to many Taliban militants who have fled U.S. drone attacks and Pakistani army operations in the country's northwest.
Associated Press writer Adil Jawad contributed to this report from Karachi, Pakistan.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he saw no reason not to sign a bill into law that would ban Americans adopting Russian children and promised measures to improve care of his country's orphaned youngsters.
Although Putin said he would need to study the final text of the bill, the comments were the strongest indication yet that he will approve the adoption ban legislation, which has strained U.S.-Russia relations.
Parliament gave its final approval on Wednesday to the bill that would also bring in other measures in retaliation for new U.S. legislation designed to punish Russians accused of human rights violations.
"So far I see no reason not to sign it, although I have to review the final text and weigh everything," Putin said in televised remarks at a meeting of senior federal and regional officials.
"I am ready to sign not only the law ... but also a presidential decree that will modify the support mechanisms for orphaned children ... especially those who are in a difficult situation, by that I mean in poor health," Putin said.
Critics of the bill say Russia is playing politics with the lives of children. Child rights advocates say children in Russia's crowded and troubled orphanage system will have less of a chance of finding homes if the bill becomes law.
(Reporting By Alexei Anishchuk; Writing by Alissa de Carbonnel; Editing by Steve Guttermann and Andrew Osborn)
MOSCOW (AP) ? President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed a bill banning Americans from adopting Russian children, making the legislation official less than 24 hours after his office received it from Parliament.
The bill has angered Americans and Russians who argue it victimizes children to make a political point, cutting off a route out of frequently dismal orphanages for thousands of children. The Russian-language hashtag "PutinEatsKids" was trending on Twitter just minutes after Putin signed it.
UNICEF estimates that there are about 740,000 children not in parental custody in Russia while about 18,000 Russians are on the waiting list to adopt a child.
The law also blocks dozens of Russian children now in the process of being adopted by American families from leaving the country. The U.S. is the biggest destination for adopted Russian children ? more than 60,000 of them have been taken in by Americans over the past two decades.
The measure is retaliation for an American law that calls for sanctions against Russian officials deemed human rights violators. The U.S. State Department has said it regrets Parliament's decision to pass the bill, arguing it would prevent many children from growing up in families.
Children's rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov says that 46 children who were about to be adopted in the U.S. would remain in Russia if the bill comes into effect.
Putin has said that U.S. authorities routinely let Americans suspected of violence toward Russian adoptees go unpunished.
The passage of the bill followed weeks of a hysterical media campaign on Kremlin-controlled television that lambasts American adoptive parents and adoption agencies that allegedly bribe their way into getting Russian children.
A few lawmakers claimed that some Russian children were adopted by Americans only to be used for organ transplants and become sex toys or cannon fodder for the U.S. Army. A spokesman with Russia's dominant Orthodox Church said that the children adopted by foreigners and raised outside the church will not "enter God's kingdom."
UFO-shaped gas station among this year's 'Preservation Wins'
It?s a travel itinerary as eclectic as they come: From a gas station shaped like a UFO, to an inn once proclaimed one of the most magnificent hotels in the country, to mystical rock pillars that fascinated an ancient culture. Put them all together and you have part of a collection that may make history buffs smile and explorers reach for their maps.
That previously-spotted Premium Suite upgrade for the Galaxy Note is on its way, with Samsung revealing all the details on its site. With a refreshed UI appears very similar to its successor, the respectable Android slab will also lay claim to Air View, Multi-window apps and the addictive easy clip function that allows you to crop and share images and text with the stylus. Thanks to that Jelly Bean update, owners of Samsung's original phablet can also start dabbling with Google Now, which will continue to pluck information from your search history, location and timezone. There's no word yet on when the refreshed Premium suite will find its way onto devices anywhere, but with Samsung already singing the update's praises, it shouldn't be far away.
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir said on Wednesday he was ready to meet his South Sudanese counterpart Salva Kiir to try to move forward with setting up a demilitarized border zone and restart oil flows.
His comments raise the prospect that the two could set aside their differences after signing agreements in September meant to secure their disputed border and to allow the South to resume oil exports after the two came close to war in April in the worst violence since Juba seceded last year.
However, neither country has yet withdrawn its army from either side of their shared border, a precondition to resume oil flows from the landlocked south through the north, a lifeline for both economies.
South Sudan had initially planned to resume exports by year-end after shutting down its output of 350,000 barrels a day in January after failing to agree an export fee with Sudan.
Two weeks ago, the African Union, backed by Western powers, urged Bashir and Kiir to meet as soon as possible to resolve all their disputes. Delegations from both countries are scheduled to resume talks in Ethiopia in mid-January.
"I am ready to meet Salva Kiir to speed up implementing all agreements at the same time," Bashir said, after meeting Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn who is trying to mediate in the row.
"I am ready to meet Kiir at any place," Bashir said.
Desalegn said he would fly to Juba on Thursday to meet Kiir. "I will be having the same discussion with President Salva Kiir to help us implement the already signed agreements," he said.
South Sudan seceded from Sudan under a 2005 peace agreement which ended decades of civil war. But both countries have yet to demarcate their disputed border which straddles oil production facilities.
The two rivals are also at odds over Abyei, a contested area between Sudan and South Sudan prized for its fertile grazing land.
(Reporting by El-Tayeb Siddig and Khalid Abdelaziz; Writing by Ulf Laessing; Editing by Andrew Osborn)
Fontella Bass, who had a monster #1 hit in 1965 called ?Rescue Me,? has died in St. Louis according to family members.? ?Rescue me? stayed at #1 for over a month and sold 1.2-million records.
Turn your speakers up and pay tribute to one of the 1960s greatest ?One Hit Wonders.?
New Year's resolutions aren't only about self-improvement. Often, making a commitment to changing your behavior can help your family, friends and co-workers. To help you figure what New Year's resolutions will have the most impact, professors and other members of Washington University in St. Louis came up with 13 resolutions everyone should make this year.? Those resolutions are:
Learn something new
"Taking a class in a subject you enjoy is a great way to rekindle your love of learning," said Robert Wiltenburg, dean of?University College, the professional and continuing education division of Arts & Sciences at Washington University. "If you give yourself the freedom to explore new interests, you might uncover a passion that you never knew existed."
Walk in the park
"A quick walk in the park can do wonders to reduce stress and increase focus," said?Aaron Hipp, environmental health expert and assistant professor of social work at the university's Brown School. "Research has linked visiting parks to improvements in mood, concentration and positive feelings. People taking a walk in or even viewing a park report reduced feelings of depression, anxiety, anger and tension. A resolution to walk more and take advantage of local parks can contribute to a healthy, green year."
"Volunteering is good for your physical and mental health, as well as the local economy," said?Amanda Moore McBride, associate professor and associate dean for social work at the?Brown School?and director of the university?s Gephardt Institute for Public Service. ?Research links volunteering with improved overall well-being, and connections between people within a community correlates with strong economic indicators. Do everyone a favor this new year and volunteer."
Get your social media house in order
"We?re making choices without thinking about the way we?re building the world of new media," said?law professor Neil Richards, a privacy-law expert and author of the upcoming book "Intellectual Privacy," to be published by Oxford University Press in 2014. "But the choices we make now about the boundaries between our individual and social selves will have massive consequences for the societies our children and grandchildren inherit." ?
Rediscover the library
"A library card can be the most powerful item in your wallet, opening up vast resources that will enrich your life and give you access to more than you can imagine." said Jeffrey G. Trzeciak, university librarian.
Step away from your desk
"You learn to sit at school; you learn to sit at work. Get active like you used to be when you were a kid," said Debra Haire-Joshu, director of the?Obesity Prevention and Policy Research Center at the Brown School. "We can learn, then, to bring activity back into our daily life, just like we learned to take it out."
Pay down your credit card debt
"You may be tempted to pay off a smaller-debt account with a low APR because psychologically it feels gratifying to close an account. But the best way to reduce overall debt is to put extra money toward the loans with the highest interest rates," said?Cynthia Cryder?, assistant professor of marketing at?Olin Business School.
A few strategies to manage debt more effectively:
?Consolidate several small debts into a few larger ones to eliminate the temptation of closing small accounts.
?Pay attention to the actual dollars you are spending on interest.
?Always put your money toward the debt with the higher interest rate.
Use your smartphone to quit smoking
"Smoking is both a physical addiction to nicotine and a learned psychological behavior, so the best way to quit is to attack it from both sides," said Sarah Shelton, manager of research and evaluation at the?Brown School?s Center for Public Health Systems Science.
Shelton adds that using nontraditional measures like smartphones in the fight against smoking can help greatly. In particular, smartphones can bring new forms of support to those looking to quit.?
Mind your health
Getting healthier in the new year can be as easy as making a few simple lifestyle changes, like committing to eating a healthy breakfast, paying attention to grocery?nutrition labels or sticking with a?consistent exercise?regimen.?
Kick the car habit
"Each gallon of gas we burn releases approximately 20 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere," said?Phil Valko, the university's director of sustainability. "With rising gas prices, rising sea levels and increasing traffic congestion, going car-free is a challenge that more and more individuals are interested in taking on."
Parents: Make every day count
"In order to be happy, well-adjusted children that grow into happy, well-adjusted adults, kids need happy, well-adjusted parents," said?Kelly Ross, an assistant professor in the Department of Newborn Medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine and a pediatric hospitalist at St. Louis Children?s Hospital.
Get more sleep
Proper sleep can promote better learning, memory and health, researchers have found. Additionally, getting more sleep helps to improve the ability to retain information and perform new tasks.???
Consume more culture
"By subscribing to a series, you?re telling the organization, 'I believe in what you do. Culture matters to me. I?m one of your people,'" said Charlie Robin, executive director of?Edison, the university?s professional performing arts showcase. "It identifies you as someone who is game for art, for entertainment and for edification. Don?t let weather, whining or whimsy counter your commitment to culture!"
This story was provided by BusinessNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. Follow David Mielach on Twitter @D_M89?or BusinessNewsDaily @bndarticles. We're also on Facebook & Google+.
Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Former South African President Nelson Mandela has been discharged from hospital, ending a nearly three-week stay during which he was treated for a lung infection and had surgery to remove gallstones, the government said on Wednesday.
The 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate has been moved to his Johannesburg home. He has been in frail health for several years.
"He will undergo home-based high care at his ... home until he recovers fully," the government said in a statement issued by the presidency.
"We request a continuation of the privacy consideration in order to allow for the best possible conditions for full recovery," it said, without offering further details.
Mandela has a history of lung problems dating back to when he contracted tuberculosis while in jail as a political prisoner. He spent 27 years in prison, including 18 years on the windswept Robben Island off Cape Town.
The former president was admitted to a Pretoria hospital on December 8 and this was his longest stay in hospital since he was released from prison in 1990.
Current President Jacob Zuma visited Mandela on Christmas Day and said the former South African leader was doing much better, making progress and in good spirits.
Mandela was also admitted to hospital in February because of abdominal pain but released the following day after a keyhole examination showed there was nothing seriously wrong with him.
He has spent most of his time since then in another home in Qunu, his ancestral village in the impoverished Eastern Cape province.
His poor health has prevented him from making any public appearances in the past two years, although he has continued to receive high-profile visitors, including former U.S. President Bill Clinton earlier this year.
Mandela became South Africa's first black president after the country's first all-race elections in 1994.
After his release from prison, he used his popularity to push for reconciliation between whites and blacks, which became the bedrock of the post-apartheid "Rainbow Nation".
Mandela stepped down as president in 1999 after one term in office and has largely been absent from public life for the last decade.
(Reporting by David Dolan, Peroshni Govender and Jon Herskovitz; Editing by Andrew Osborn)