If you want to make a great impression, you need a great business card. If your company won't pony up for cards or you'd rather have your own cards that say what you want on them, you'll need to get them printed. You don't have to spend a ton of money to get that done though, there are plenty of services that will print business cards for you that sport great designs, say what you want, and give you tons of customization options. This week we want to know which ones you think are the best.
Some business card printers have deals with different web services to get you great-looking business cards free or on the cheap, some have coupon codes and free printing deals every other week designed to draw you in, and others are affordable enough that they're worth checking out anyway. All of them tend to have great customization options. Which ones do you think are the best?
Hive Five nominations take place in the discussions, where you post your favorite tool for the job. We get hundreds of nominations, so to make your nomination clear, please include it at the top of your post like so: VOTE: BEST BUSINESS CARD PRINTING SITE. Please don't include your vote in a reply to another person. Nominations emailed to us will not be counted. Instead, make your vote and reply separate discussions. After you've made your nomination, let us know what makes it stand out from the competition.
About the Hive Five: The Hive Five feature series asks readers to answer the most frequently asked question we get: "Which tool is the best?" Once a week we'll put out a call for contenders looking for the best solution to a certain problem, then YOU tell us your favorite tools to get the job done. Every weekend, we'll report back with the top five recommendations and give you a chance to vote on which is best. For an example, check out last week's five best DVD ripping tools.
The Hive Five is based on reader nominations. As with most Hive Five posts, if your favorite was left out, it's not because we hate it?it's because it didn't get the nominations required in the call for contenders post to make the top five. We understand it's a bit of a popularity contest, but if you have a favorite, we want to hear about it. Have a suggestion for the Hive Five? Send us an email at tips+hivefive@lifehacker.com!
Photo by Connor Turner.
Source: http://lifehacker.com/5972967/best-business-card-printing-site
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