Sunday, March 31, 2013

Georgia Workers' Compensation ? Adjuster Says Your Case is Closed

By: Russell Keener ??? March 29, 2013


If you?ve been injured on the job and your injury is accepted by the insur?ance com?pany, unless you agree to set?tle your case with them, Geor?gia work?ers? com?pen?sa?tion law enti?tles you to med?ical care for that job injuries for the rest of your?life.

Your income ben?e?fits can stop but as long as you require med?ical care for your job injury, the med?ical por?tion of your case will not close unless you settle.

There is no law that says that at some point in time in the future your work?ers? com?pen?sa?tion case will auto?mat?i?cally ?close? and thus relieve the insur?ance com?pany of any and all future respon?si?bil?ity for your med?ical?care.

How?ever, the real?ity is that the fur?ther away in time that you get from your injury date, the more likely it is that the insur?ance com?pany will fight to avoid pay?ing for your med?ical?care.

My expe?ri?ence is that the insur?ance com?pany will start to deny your treat?ment, and try to say you need it now for some?thing new that hap?pened to you unre?lated to your job injury.

For exam?ple, if you have had an unre?lated fall or a car wreck after your work?ers? com?pen?sa?tion acci?dent, the insur?ance com?pany will try to say some or all of your cur?rent issues are because of the unre?lated fall or car wreck and not related to your job injury.

Never mind the fact that they don?t actu?ally have any proof that your cur?rent prob?lem is not related. If they can try to pin your cur?rent prob?lems on some?thing else, they will and they will deny your treat?ment and they will make you have to fight to get your med?ical care restarted.

Look, I?ve been doing this well over 20 years and I?ve seen this hap?pen time and?again.

There are statutes you need to be aware of that can stop your income ben?e?fits, but there are no statutes that ever stop your enti?tle?ment to med?ical care related to your job injury or ever close your case unless you agree to know?ingly and vol?un?tar?ily set?tle your?case.

If the adjuster tells you that your case is closed and you still have med?ical prob?lems related to your job injury, insist that the insur?ance com?pany pay to send you back to the doc?tor. It?s your right under Geor?gia?law.


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