Hiring a personal trainer ??n b? ?r??t f?r ???r health. B?t th?r? ?r? n? state ?r federal safety regulations someone m??t meet before h? ?r ?h? ??n claim th?? ?r? qualified ?n th? health ?n? fitness field.
G?t fit, n?t h?rt
Wh?t?s worse, ?t ??m? gyms ? b??-name health clubs included ? ??? ??? need ?? a high school diploma t? ??t hired. A? a consumer, ?t?s ?m??rt?nt t? know h?w t? hire a personal trainer ?n? avoid th? ones th?t ?r? potentially hazardous t? ???r health.
Wh?t t? look f?r ?n a personal trainer
T? m?k? sure ???r personal trainer ?? ?n th? up-?n?-up, here?s wh?t ??? ?h???? look f?r.
A?k ???r personal trainer wh?r? h? ?r ?h? w?nt t? school ?r wh?t certification training program h? ?r ?h? completed. D?? h? take proper safety ?n? technique training courses? I? ?h? knowledgeable ?n training protocols f?r ???r particular fitness goals? Don?t assume th?t a trainer without a degree ?n kinesiology ?r exercise science isn?t f?r ???, h?w???r. Th?r? ?r? several quality certifying personal training programs ?n th? US ? ?h???? a trainer wh? h?? b??n certified fr?m th? m??t reputable. Th??? include th? American College ?f Sports Medicine (ACSM), th? American Council ?n Exercise (ACE), th? National Academy ?f Sports Medicine (NASM) ?n? th? National Strength ?n? Conditioning Association (NSCA).
first aid kitSafety
A?? personal trainers ?h???? b? certified ?n CPR. Th?? ?h???? ???? know h?w (?n? wh?n) t? ??? th? m??t basic medical tools, ??k? a puffer, ?? well ?? wh?t t? ?? ?n cases ?f injury ?r medical conditions, such ?? low blood sugar, fainting, heart palpitations, etc. If ??? h??? a medical condition, b? sure t? partner w?th a fitness expert wh? knows h?w t? respond t? ???r particular condition.
Th? first thing ??? ?h???? ??k a personal trainer ?? h?w long h? ?r ?h? h?? b??n practicing. H?w many clients ???? ?h? h???? H?w long h??? clients stayed w?th h?m ?n? wh? ??? ??m? ?t?? working w?th h?m? H?? ?h? won ?n? awards ?r b??n recognized f?r outstanding work? Th?? w??? give ??? a better ???? ?f ???r potential trainer?s background ?n? whether h? ?r ?h? ?? passionate ?b??t th? job.
Wh?n ??? work w?th a personal trainer ??? ?h???? feel confident ?n? comfortable. A ???? trainer w??? encourage ???, h??? ??? meet ???r goals ?n? work w?th ??? t? overcome ?n? obstacles ??? m?? face ? wh??? taking ???r limitations ?n? health ?nt? account.
Wh?n ????re training, ????re going t? want t? work w?th someone wh? ?? knowledgeable ?n th? areas ??? want t? focus ?n. F?r example, ?f ????re a bodybuilder, ??? ?h???? look f?r a personal trainer wh? knows weights ?n? specialized workouts. If ????re really ?nt? rock climbing, ????re going t? want t? work w?th a fitness professional wh??s b??n a rock climber. Th? same applies t? ?th?r sports ?r activities.
Beware ?f ??n??r??? personal trainers
M??t trainers ?r? qualified ?n? competent, b?t th?r? ?r? those wh? ?r? underqualified ?r m?? b? qualified b?t n?t ??t out f?r th? job. Listen t? ???r gut wh?n working w?th a fitness professional. If something ???t doesn?t feel r??ht, ?t probably isn?t. B?t th?r? ?r? ???? ??m? signs th?t ??n indicate ??? m?? b? working w?th a personal trainer wh? ????? harm, r?th?r th?n h???, ???r health.
Y??r trainer doesn?t ?n?w?r ???r q???t??n?. If ??? ??k a q???t??n, a ???? personal trainer ?h???? b? ?b?? t? respond w?th a wealth ?f knowledge ?r suggestions. If h? ??n?t ? ?n? doesn?t offer t? research ???r q???t??n ?n? ??t back t? ??? ? something ????? b? amiss.
Y??r trainer doesn?t listen t? ??? wh?n ??? ??? n?. If ??? ?t?rt complaining ?b??t pain ?r exhaustion ?n ???r muscles ?r joints, a ???? personal trainer w??? t??? ??? t? ???w down ?r ?t??. If ?h? doesn?t ?n? m?k?? ??? push through th? pain, ??? ????? ??t seriously h?rt. Find another trainer.
Y??r trainer doesn?t provide enough encouragement. A personal trainer ?h???? offer positive reinforcement t? h??? ??? t? reach ???r goals. If ???r trainer isn?t ???r b?????t cheerleader ?r worse, ?? demeaning ?n? m?k?? ??? feel ??k? a failure, find a n?w one.
Y??r trainer offers unsolicited health advice ?r supplements. If f?r ?n? reason a personal trainer tries t? sell ??? ?n supplements, whether offered b? th? gym ?r those th?t ?h? personally sells, b? wary. Unless a personal trainer ?? a qualified doctor, holistic practitioner ?r nutritionist, ?h? ?h???? n?t b? offering medical advice. An? w?th th? potential danger ?f weight loss supplements th?t contain potent stimulants, ??? ??f?n?t??? want t? steer clear ?f shady advice fr?m someone wh? isn?t qualified t? prescribe medications ?r supplements.
Y??r trainer seems distracted. Gyms ?r? loud places. If a personal trainer gets distracted easily ?r pays more attention t? h?? cell phone ?r ?th?r people, ?t m?? b? time t? find ?n attentive trainer t? work w?th. Y?? need ?n? deserve h?? undivided attention wh?n working w?th weights ?n? machines ?r wh??? performing ?th?r exercises.
H?w t? find a qualified personal trainer
If ??? ?? th? research before hiring someone, finding a personal trainer th?t?s qualified ?? easy. Here ?r? ??m? simple suggestions.
1 G?t referrals
W? listen t? th? advice ?f ??r friends ?n? family wh?n th?? suggest a hairdresser ?r doctor, ?? wh? n?t a personal trainer? Th??r suggestions ????? point ??? t? a gym ?r fitness club th?t offers th? kind ?f training ????re looking f?r.
2 Watch personal trainers ?t ???r gym
B? watching h?w a trainer interacts w?th clients, ????ll ??t a pretty ???? ???? ?f h?w h? w???? work w?th ???. In particular, look f?r trainers wh? ?r? working w?th people wh? share ???r fitness goals.
3 Check out professional organizations
Th? ACSM, ACE ?n? NSCA ??? offer listings f?r personal trainers ?n ???r area.
4 Book a trial appointment
A ???? personal trainer ?h???? b? ?b?? t? sit down ?n? talk w?th ??? before ??? sign ?n. Sh? ?h???? ???? b? ?b?? t? walk ??? through a typical training routine. Many health clubs offer complementary personal training sessions ?? ??rt ?f th? membership
5 Talk t? th? fitness director ?t ???r health club
If ???r health club h?? a long list ?f trainers, ?t m?? b? difficult t? ?h???? wh??h one ?? r??ht f?r ???. Talk t? th? fitness director ?b??t ???r health ?n? fitness goals ?n? h??? h?r pair ??? w?th a ???? match ?n a personal trainer. An? don?t b? afraid t? ??k f?r another referral ?f ??? don?t hit ?t ?ff w?th th?t particular trainer.
6 Don?t expect miracles
One ?f th? common complaints fr?m trainers ?? th?t ??m? clients expect miracle results, th?n blame th??r trainer f?r n?t being qualified enough t? h??? th?m reach th??r unrealistic goals. Even th? best personal trainers ??n?t deliver overnight results ??k? losing 30 pounds ?n a week ?r dropping six dress sizes ?n two weeks; th?? really ??n?t h??? ??? reach ???r goals ?f ??? ?r? overeating, drinking t?? many calories ?r rarely exercising outside ?f ???r appointments. B? reasonable ?b??t ???r goals ?n? take responsibility f?r ???r ??rt ?f th? program. M?k? sure ??? follow a healthy diet, hydrate properly, ??t adequate sleep ?n? round out ???r personal training sessions w?th workouts ?f ???r ?wn.
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Source: http://mybodyhealth.net/dangerous-fitness-beware-of-bad-personal-trainers/
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