Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Asbestos Compensation Claims | Mesothelioma Patient Resources ...

There are a wide range of illnesses associated with exposure to asbestos ? mesothelioma and cancer are just two of them.

So if asbestos is so dangerous, then which countries still mine the deadly mineral, why do they do so and which countries do they sell the product to?

No win no fee solicitors such as Claims Direct can help people diagnosed with illnesses caused by asbestos exposure receive the compensation they deserve.

But lawyers ? and indeed many world governments ? seem powerless to prevent some countries from continuing to mine asbestos.

A new documentary film called Breathtaking, made by Canadian director Kathleen Mullen, puts the spotlight on one country which still mines asbestos.

Ms Mullen didn?t have to travel far to find a source of asbestos ? Quebec?s Thetford Mines still extract the mineral.

Only 2-3 per cent of the asbestos mined in Canada is used by Canadians ? the country?s laws regarding asbestos use are extremely tough ? and yet the mines are extremely lucrative. This is because the asbestos is sold to developing countries such as India where the health and safety laws are more lax.

Breathtaking takes film viewers on a journey to India to see the devastating impact asbestos has had on workers? lives there.

Ms Mullen had much motivation for making the film as her father died from an asbestos-related disease.

She said: ?As I began Breathtaking, everyone to whom I mentioned I was making the film responded with a personal story of their own. I soon realised that this story was a lot bigger than just my own family?s personal grief.?

A brief history of asbestos import laws in Great Britain

The use of asbestos as a cheap, flexible and highly-effective heat-insulating material meant that many construction firms in the UK were extremely reluctant to agree to a ban.

Blue asbestos was banned in 1970, with a ban on brown asbestos imports following a decade later. These bans perpetuated the myth than only brown and blue asbestos was dangerous.

In fact, white asbestos is also potentially lethal (and it made up 95 per cent of import totals). It was not until 1999 that a complete white asbestos import ban was imposed in the UK.

According to asbestosvictimadvice.com, as recently as 1995, the UK imported 10 million tonnes of asbestos, 83 per cent of which came from Canada. Around 50 per cent of these imports came through Liverpool docks. This explains why there has been such as high incidence of asbestos-related illnesses in the north-west of England.

Canada is not the world?s largest producer of asbestos ? it produces 10 per cent of the total ? less than Russia?s 40 per cent, China?s 20 per cent and Kazakhstan?s 13 per cent.

The fact it still produces this deadly mineral is a cause of national embarrassment for many, but not all, Canadiansa

In Quebec, there is still a town called Asbestos ? a place where a local businessman controversially recently applied for a million loan to revitalise a local mine producing the product which gave the town its name.

Frequently Asked Questions

    anyone heard of asbestos compensation claims in rep.of ireland?
    my father has been diagnosed with asbestos cancer how can we find out about compensation claims as he worked with the product in the roofing industry in 1970?s. he will get very sick and will need to pay large medical bills. why should he have to pay when he was not made aware of the dangers in working with this product. any ideas ?

    How can i check on successful claims for compensation for Asbestos victims?

    What is the latest rulings about asbestosis and the status of compensation claims?
    i would like to know about the latest rulings regarding industrial injuries compensation from asbestosis and asbestos related illnesses in general.

    can I claim compensation for exposure to asbestos?

    Filed for asbestos and already gets compensation from someone else for the same illness on assumption?
    Can a Person put in a claim for the same illness they get paid compensation for under assumption ?for another possible cause for that Illness?

    Asbestos used in 14 year old house??
    We were getting the boiler in our house replaced, but we were told the boiler was mounted on what the bloke thought was asbestos, a sample has been sent for testing and we find the result tomorrow.

    If it is asbestos could we claim compensation from the builders of the house as its only 14 years old? i was told asbestos was made illegal in the 80s.

    if so? how much money are we talking!? lol

    • ANSWER:
      Yes, first you must determine if and what type of asbestos. It could the boiler covering, insulation or pipe insulation as it was used on hot water and steam piping and equipment, Second after the report you will need to report it to Hazelmat and await their determination regarding an asbestos abatement process/project. To determine the ones responsibility, research the ownership of the building and property. This will go a long way to determining responsibility. Keep the records confidential and hold onto copies. Doing the abatement yourself is illegal because of the dangers of it the abatement must be done professionally.
      You should also report this problem to the building department and inspection services of your city or town. They will seal the area in question and not let you or anyone else go into it until the matter is determined, just so you know !

    What questions should I ask the compensation lawyer?
    I will be having a consultation regarding a WSIB claim concerning exposure to asbestos, I have asbestosis and pleural plaques. What is it that I need to know to ask?

    • ANSWER:
      Ask whether any further medical reports will be required and by whom. If further testing/reports are required by doc other than yours, ask if there will be an oppty to contest findings that might conflict with those of your doc(s). Hint: There is no penalty for e-mailing this question to a personal injury atty in your jurisdiction! It?s SO much easier to raise evidence before the claim has been reviewed!

    asbestos related illnesses (mesothelioma)?
    Hello, I am doing some research into negligence and asbestos related-illnesses , and was wondering whether a claimant (who is the son of a man who worked with asbestos over a period of 40 years) and now suffers from Mesothelioma, could claim compensation against his father?s employers? Would they be at fault? Also , does anyone know of any sources to back this up if he could claim ? any recent law cases or appeals, or anything where the spouse or child of someone who has worked with asbestos and the victim suffered from an illness because of this and they have been successful in claiming against the company?
    Any information , suggestions, opinions, advice etc would be welcome and truly appreciated!
    Only UK cases though please!

    • ANSWER:
      This is what I found on the net.

      Family members and others living with asbestos workers have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma, and possibly other asbestos related diseases.This risk may be the result of exposure to asbestos dust brought home on the clothing and hair of asbestos workers. To reduce the chance of exposing family members to asbestos fibres, asbestos workers are usually required to shower and change their clothing before leaving the workplace.

      So if the person that you are referring to was living at home while his father worked with asbestos then there seems to be a strong probability that this caused his illness because he could have breathed in some of the dust from his father when he came home from work, it seems that working with asbestos is the main cause of developing mesothelioma, having said that, I do not know how it could be proved that this was the cause, a court could argue that the man could just have easily breathed in the dust at other times in his life, there are loads of law companies out there that would give advice and take on the case if they think that they could win and they do it on a no win no fee basis, just type into your browser, claims for mesothelioma, you will find one easily.

    Mesothelioma (asbestos illness)?
    Hello, I am doing some research into negligence and asbestos related-illnesses , and was wondering whether a claimant (who is the son of a man who worked with asbestos over a period of 40 years) and now suffers from Mesothelioma, could claim compensation against his father?s employers? Would they be at fault? Also , does anyone know of any sources to back this up if he could claim ? any recent law cases or appeals, or anything where the spouse or child of someone who has worked with asbestos and the victim suffered from an illness because of this and they have been successful in claiming against the company?
    Any information , suggestions, opinions, advice etc would be welcome and truly appreciated!
    Only UK cases though please!

    • ANSWER:
      British Railways Board paid an out-of-court settlement to John Dawson?s widow. John breathed the dust from his father?s work cloths decades earlier. His father was a York Carriage Works employee.

      Terry Tapley was awarded 107,000 for wife?s death. She was exposed to asbestoes from playing with her dad when she was a kid.

    Should I consult a lawyer or wait for OSHA?
    I discovered that the air handling system at work was shut off because was in an area that contained known carcinogens(asbestos and mold). My coworkers and I have had health problems and I believe it is because the overhead fans in the kitchen have been drawing air from this hazardous area. I contacted OSHA and they told me to file a workman?s compensation claim. Of course the company is now scrambling to cover all the violations. Should I get an attorney or wait for OSHA to come and access the situation?

    • ANSWER:
      It wouldn?t hurt to call around and see if you could find an attorney who could do a free consult. But from now on I would document everything. I would try to remember the days you had problems regarding your health. Write down descriptions of your work environment too. Ask your co-workers to do the same. This will help you with your case. And you could just call OSHA and ask general questions and see what they suggest. I hope this works in your favor.

    Does statue of limitations apply to leaukaemia caused by benzene poisening under sect.c7 of industrial inj.dis

    In 1985 my husband died of acute myloid leaukaemia which was found to be caused by benzene poisening ? working as a paint sprayer ? In the same year of his death we sought to claim compensation after his union told us that Benzene was used in the paint, I was given a solicitor by the union but despite trying to finalise this over the years met with no result.

    Now 23 years after his death and with all the media attention of Asbestos victims claiming compensation many years after the event I am seeking to pursue the matter as obviously its a very painful subject.

    However I am aware of a time limitation specified under the statute of limitations on wrongful deaths of 3 years may apply.

    Please can someone clarify whether this is the case?

    I am from the UK.

    Thank you!

    • ANSWER:
      In California, the Statute of Limitations runs from the date that you were aware of the injury, or the date you became aware of the cause of the injury.

      UK law may be different. I suggest that you speak to a solicitor who specializes in personal injury law. Or post the question here on yahoo answers, but specify UK laws in the first line.

      Wish I could have been of more help.

    My Friend Has Got Mesothelioma How Much Can He Claim?
    My friend has got mesothelioma from working with asbestos. We have looked about for info on whether we can claim compensation.

    I found this site that has some good links to compensation companies:


    The thing is, on them websites it says he can claim between ?300,000 ?1,000,000!!!!

    Is this right? Are these sorts of sites trustworthy?

    Does anyone have experience in this area? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    I have recently lost my mum due to this awful asbestos desease have been strongly advised to claim compensation. Has any one out there received compensation for the loss of some one due to the same condition. If so how much? I am not doing this for the money as I am donating this to charity.

    • ANSWER:
      You need to speak to the Citizens Advice Bureau for guidance ? I think (am not 100% sure) that she should have made the claim herself ? not sure if you can belatedly.

      You will need proper advice if you want to pursue a claim ? this disease is nasty and although compansation packages were announced ? there may be a time limit on it also ? that?s why I advise getting some advice.

      AND ? id you are successful ? keep some of the money ? having watched your mother die from this ? it is just reward for you nd she would not mind.

      I saw my grandfather die of this and my father in law has it as well from previous working in the late 60?s and early 70?s on building works.

      It is not pleasant

    Does pretty much everyone agree about the 9/11 responders?
    The topic of who did it how they did it ? why ? for what reasons or motivations can be put aside

    A bunch of people ?- mostly if not entirely strangers who never met ? went running in to rescue from the debris another group of stangers

    No nationalism just a response to humans by humans done by many instantly when needed to help

    These people who were right there and jumped in should get health care ? a settlement if warranted compensation where loss occurred and so on ? Deal with it give it to them and move on

    The people of New York the closest and in the middle ran in first ? others came from across the US after ALL parts ? the closer people were the faster they got there but it was every State

    ? they came from all Provinces in Canada ? fire men police ambulances and just plain people volunteered to help and went

    I don?t know any of their stories Gander international for the continent of North America

    I hope if they got sick from breathing in asbestos or just cement dust we took care of them because frankly they would be our responsibility not yours ?

    - I hope we did not just because they are our citizens but why they were doing it ? Just instant ?something has to be done? and I want to help should never be punished in any way ever

    As I said ? don?t know any of their stories never hits the news that I am aware of ? The media moved on from the topic after the event

    It seems to me helping out those first responders with just the basic stuff they need as a result of injury or disease or loss is common sense ?

    getting it done as fast as possible and not delaying it or using the bureaucracy to drag it along in an insurance hopeful strategy of maybe they will die before it gets to court and half the settlement payouts instantly by doing so ?It would be cruel to impose corporate strategic thinking in terms of limiting economic liability by gambling on the life span of an untreated person making a claim by out waiting them as a negotiating and positioning tactic

    Seems wrong ? it happens to lots of groups and individuals involved in claims and settlements with large or government civil suits -Drag it out maybe it will go away -

    It often appears wrong ? but somehow even more so than usual in this case ? abusive counter to societies health ? wrong message ? wrongfully punitive and heavy handed

    Does pretty much everyone agree about the 9/11 responders ?

Article source: http://www.asbestos-cancer-lawyer.org/asbestos-compensation-claims/

asbestos compensation

Article source: http://mesothelioma.eggamuffin.com/2011/08/asbestos-compensation-claims-mesothelioma-patient-resources/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=asbestos-compensation-claims-mesothelioma-patient-resources

abatement, asbestos, asbestos compensation, asbestos imports, asbestos related disease, fee solicitors, mesothelioma patient, OSHA, Research, work

Source: http://mesothelioma.eggamuffin.com/2011/08/asbestos-compensation-claims-mesothelioma-patient-resources-3/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=asbestos-compensation-claims-mesothelioma-patient-resources-3

kreayshawn erik bedard ing direct nostradamus melaleuca kelly brook antonio cromartie

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