Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Long War Against the Family (Part III) | Crisis Magazine

more family

If you?ve been with us for the first two parts you?ll recall the three waves of attack against the family?(1) the assertion that marriage enslaves, (2) that children are a burden, and (3) that sexual difference is a fiction. How to respond? I?d like to conclude our short history by reflecting not so much on a course of action but upon how we might renew our thinking.

First, what does the contemporary attack on the family presuppose? Frequently, at the root of these attacks on family lies a corruption of what John Paul II has called ?the idea and the experience of freedom.? In the late pope?s analysis, underlying these ideas and the social and economic institutions supporting them is a notion of freedom conceived not as a capacity for realizing truth, ?but as an autonomous power of self-affirmation? (Familiaris Consortio 6). In place of such a notion, and enacted through the disciplines and habits suitable for family, man and woman united in matrimony are called to embody the self-giving love of Christ. There can hardly be a more attractive witness of self-giving love than a family at prayer.

Next, Christians will have to re-evaluate the concept of equality, beginning with its unit of measurement.? Obviously, neither a reduction in men?s height nor an increase in women?s weight is in view.? Equality is measured usually by a vote, by a wage, by a raise?in other words, according to some political or economic criterion.? Even accepting for the moment a strictly materialist conception of equality, it is a long time since we have passed from equality of opportunity over to the practical necessity of conformity.? Moving beyond Marx, for Catholics, happiness is not measured chiefly by dollars and cents.? Virtue is a far more stable currency.? Is it really the case that most women are happier at the office rather than in the home?? Given the toxic results of social engineering now evident, there is some prima facie evidence that the pursuit of abstract equality so defined works against the happiness of both sexes, and our children.? It is notable that women consistently say that they do not derive their greatest satisfaction from work outside the home.? This preference is all the more marked for women with children.? In one recent Pew study, when mothers with children under 18 were asked about their most important source of fulfillment, 51 percent cited their relationship with their children, 29 percent cited their relationship with their husband or common law husband, while a mere 1 percent cited their job or career.? Why has it become the expectation that women cannot be fulfilled in the home?? Marriage and teen catechesis in this area should move to the offensive.

RebuildingCultureThrough the 20th century there has been a renewal of thinking about the vocation of the family, including thinking about the role of women.? John Paul II noted that, while the widening of access to public work is in some senses a genuine gain, it is not without loss.? Throughout John Paul II?s writings, as in his Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem and his Letter to Families, he points out that men and women arrive at their true stature only through self-donating love.? In women this gift of self is realized distinctively through the nurturing of a child.? Thus, motherhood in women (which can also be expressed in the nurture of spiritual children) needs to be honored even above the valuable contributions that are made in the political and economic spheres (Mulieris Dignitatem 18).? Sadly, today the maternal role has been so derided that many find it neither desirable nor possible to nurture the family at home.? A society where government makes it easy to divorce and hard for moms to stay home is not progressive, but dying. To this end John Paul II argued that, ?society must be structured in such a way that wives and mothers are not in practice compelled to work outside the home? (Familiaris Consortio 23).

This is not an unrealistic hope. Laws could stop penalizing women who stay at home.? As a start: greater federal and local tax relief could be redirected toward families with dependent children; zoning laws could allow for the greater use of the home as a place of work; homeschooling families might be relieved from some portion of property taxes; and so forth.? Most importantly, women and their husbands will have to rediscover the beauty of motherhood. ?Recently, a couple we know sought advice from their Anglican priest as to whether or not they should try to conceive a third child.? The pastor encouraged them to do so; as he explained, while he had counseled many parents who regretted not having more children, he had never met a couple that thought they had raised too many.? Fewer couples are willing to pursue this path, however, when both parents pursue a full-time career into their 30s.? Children are a blessing; welcoming them does require that we adjust our spending habits.? If we really do think that raising children is a nobler task than accumulating wealth, then it may be that young married couples will have to lower their economic expectations.? In short, Catholics will need to relearn to make the case not only for traditional marriage but also for openness to many children.? For, not only does human flourishing require a sound economy and stable polity; it also requires love.? And there is no better way to learn how to love than in a family open to life.

Large families can foster holiness for a variety of reasons.? For the parents, here are three: less sleep, higher costs, and more work. Three great reasons, some might say, for willfully avoiding children altogether.? And many do.? But not if your aim is heaven.? Indeed, the fruits of conjugal love produce the conditions by nature that monks and nuns have to impose upon themselves by grace (i.e. by accepting the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience).? Along these lines there is a famous story from St. Th?r?se of Lisieux?s life at Carmel.? Then as now within a monastery a bell is the common call to prayer.? So prompt was Th?r?se?s obedience that at its first ring she would throw down her pen, leaving behind a half formed word on the page.? Well, in the domestic church, the cry of a child is like St. Th?r?se?s bell; it often tolls.

No doubt, it does not always work for a young mother to stay at home.? Nor are all couples open to life blessed with children.? These absences are a cause of sorrow to such parents.? Sadly, more and more couples see gain in what past times have recognized as a loss.? In virtually every human culture large families have been a sign of blessing.? According to the Catechism they still are: ?Sacred Scripture and the Church?s traditional practice see in large families a sign of God?s blessing and the parents? generosity? (CCC 2373).? Children bless grandparents and cousins because they carry infectious joy; children bless brothers and sisters because they offer immediate friendship; children bless mom and dad, above all, because they turn parents into adults.? Unlike any other gift, a new baby offers parents the opportunity to grow in love.? The exchange of such gifts is only possible when a man and woman open themselves up to new life. The Church continues to esteem those who do so without reserve.

Since the birth of Marxism in the mid-nineteenth century until about 1980, it was almost universally assumed that social-scientific research was the friend of left-leaning social engineers. Early on the social sciences adopted Marx?s assumption that social relations not characterized by strict material equality are unjust. Statistical and empirical research were welcomed as means of uprooting the prejudice and irrationality upon which traditional institutions were founded. Above all?the argument went?the family, and with it the roles of men and women, would be exposed as having no hold in nature. All this has changed. Many sociologists remain wedded to radical politics. But their grip on the discipline has loosened. For many years now, social-scientific studies relating to the family have helped to illuminate, as one recent study has it, ?the strengths, indeed the irreplaceability of the family.? In response to Engels, de Beauvoir, MTV, and company, catechesis will have to harness more confidently the abundant research available on the benefits of family. As reason and revelation attest, a communion of persons is founded not upon abstract equality but upon a willingness to serve Christ in one another. In the renewal of Catholic culture, the battle begins at home, on bended knee.

Editor?s note: This article is adapted from Dr. Topping?s new book Rebuilding Catholic Culture: How the Catechism Can Shape our Common Life (Sophia Institute Press). This is the third and final installment of an excerpt that first appeared in Crisis magazine on Monday, January 28, 2013. The 1593 painting above of the Thomas More family by Rowland Lockey is based on a sketch by Hans Holbein the Younger.


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As world reacts to strike, Hezbollah hints Syrian target was military

Mideast-Lebanon-Hezbo_Horo1-635x357Shiite group, reported to have received chemical weapons from Assad, condemns Israeli attack, as do Russia and the Arab League.

Armed Lebanese movement Hezbollah seemingly acknowledged on Thursday that a site destroyed outside Damascus, reportedly by Israel, was responsible for ?military and technological development.?

Hezbollah was one of a number of bodies on Thursday to condemn the reported attack by Israeli planes, calling the action ?barbaric.?

In a statement issued on its website Al-Manar, the Shiite organization ? a close ally of the Assad regime in Syria ? condemned the attack, claiming that it was intended to stunt ?Arab and Islamic technological development.? More


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Swiss Banks Now Offer Allocated Gold, Silver Accounts | Zero Hedge

From GoldCore

Swiss Banks Offer Allocated Accounts As Move To Allocated Internationally

Today?s AM fix was USD 1,666.25, EUR 1,230.70, and GBP 1,057.20 per ounce.
Yesterday?s AM fix was USD 1,660.50, EUR 1,235.12, and GBP 1,057.17 per ounce.

Silver is trading at $31.36/oz, ?23.25/oz and ?19.25/oz. Platinum is trading at $1,690.00/oz, palladium at $754.00/oz and rhodium at $1,200/oz.

Cross Currency Table ? (Bloomberg)

Gold rose $7.80 or 0.47% in New York yesterday and closed at $1,662.70/oz. Silver surged to a high of $31.47 and finished with a gain of 1.59%.

Gold managed to hold firm after recovering from a 4 day slide on the likelihood that the U.S. Fed will continue with its ultra loose quantitative easing policy.

The U.S. FOMC is expected to confirm in a statement at 1915 GMT that it will continue the $85 billion in monthly bond purchases until unemployment rates drop significantly. Even though some Fed officials and many market participants have expressed concern over the side effects from such measures.?

The U.S. nonfarm payrolls data expected on Friday will give a closer look at the labour market. ?A poll of economists by Reuters shows that they expect U.S. unemployment to be unchanged from last month at 7.8%.

Climbing oil prices continue to stir investor worries about inflation. ?Brent crude hit a 3 month high in the prior session.

Silver jewellery exports from India are projected to rise to 30% this year as world demand grows, noted the India's Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council.?

American Eagle silver coin sales in January surged to an all time monthly high. The U.S. Mint recently resumed sales after huge demand led to a lack of inventory and created a temporary suspension of sales.?

Gold bullion coins also saw their highest sales since July 2010.

As of January 29, Silver Eagle sales for the month were 7.1 million ounces, data from the U.S. Mint's website showed, surpassing its previous record of 6.1 million ounces set in January 2012.

Reuters reports that ?huge quantities? of silver bullion coins were being bought by investors, including entire monster boxes full with 500 1 oz bullion coins sealed by the US Mint.

Swiss banks, UBS and Credit Suisse, have moved to offer allocated gold and silver accounts to their clients ? including high net worth, hedge funds, other banks and institutions.

Gold in U.S. Dollars, Monthly ? (Bloomberg)

The move allows these entities to take direct ownership of their bullion in allocated accounts.

According to the Financial Times, the banks say that they are making the move in order to reduce exposure and risks on balance sheets and in an effort to be more transparent.?

?Under more common "unallocated" gold accounts, depositors' bullion appears on the banks' balance sheets, forcing them to increase their capital reserves. Like their global peers, UBS and Credit Suisse are under pressure from regulators to reduce capital-intensive activities ahead of the introduction of new Basel III global banking rules.?

It is more likely that the banks made the move to allocated storage due to an increased preference from their investors who are weary of continuing systemic risk.

We have spoken and written about this trend for some time.

In recent months there has been a definite change by our clients and by bullion owners internationally from owning gold and silver in unallocated accounts, to owning bullion coins and bars in allocated and segregated accounts.

Investors who were unwilling before to pay annual storage fees on allocated accounts are now willing to pay the extra cost. This is due to increased awareness and concern about systemic risk and a preference for owning gold directly and eliminating counter party risk.

Indeeed, we and other bullion dealers who offer allocated storage outside the banking and financial system have seen flows out of bullion banks unallocated gold account offerings and into allocated accounts such as with?Perth Mint and Via Mat.

XAU/JPY Gold in Japanese Yen, Monthly ? (Bloomberg)

Smart money internationally is moving towards?allocated storage?and away from more risky unallocated storage and this trend is set to continue.?

With unallocated storage one is an unsecured creditor of the provider or bank whereas with allocated storage the client directly owns the gold and the gold cannot become encumbered.?

Allocated and segregated storage costs more money as more space is required in vaults and there is a higher insurance cost. Banks have realised that there is a preference to own allocated gold and are moving to offer that. They may also be able to make a small margin on the annual storage fee, in and above, the cost of storage to them.

The move by the Swiss banks is a reactive one in order to prevent the loss of clients who are concerned about systemic risk and want to own bullion in the safest way possible.


U.S. Mint Silver-Coin Sales Surge After Temporary Suspension - Bloomberg

US silver coin sales set record in January after halt - Reuters

Swiss Banks Lose Old Taste for Gold - CNBC

Platinum Poised for Best Month in Year as Gold Drops in January - Bloomberg

Gold futures edge higher ahead of Fed ? Market Watch


Silver Eagle Sales Surge To All-Time Record In January ? Zero Hedge

Powerful Entity Now Battling The Silver Manipulators ? King World News

The Fiat Dow ? NY Sun

Video: 1794 Silver Dollar Fetches Record $10M at Auction - Bloomberg

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Russia scraps anti-crime deal with the US

MOSCOW (AP) ? Russia pulled out of an anti-crime accord with the United States on Wednesday, the latest sign of rising tensions between Moscow and Washington.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to scrap the 10-year-old agreement "because it was no longer relevant," his office said.

The agreement covered fighting terrorism, corruption and cross-border crimes such as drug smuggling and human trafficking.

Alexei Pushkov, head of Russia's parliamentary foreign affairs committee, said the decision reflected Russia's ability to manage its affairs without outside help.

"Russia is changing the format of its relations with the U.S.," he tweeted. "We are ending our dependence on 'the country No. 1.'"

The Foreign Ministry expressed gratitude to the U.S. for providing $12 million in aid for crime-fighting projects under the accord, but said Moscow no longer needs such assistance.

"From a recipient of Western aid for anti-crime projects, Russia has turned into a donor for such programs in Central Asian nations and Afghanistan," it said in a statement, adding that Moscow was ready to continue cooperation with the U.S. in fighting crime, including drug-trafficking.

A U.S. embassy spokesman was not immediately available for comment.

The agreement is just one of several bilateral cooperation deals that Moscow has decided to abandon. Last year, Russia expelled the U.S. International Development Agency and also warned it wouldn't extend the Nunn-Lugar program helping it dismantle nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons stockpiles.

On Friday, the U.S. withdrew from a joint civil society group.

President Barack Obama's efforts to "reset" relations with Russia have met a markedly colder wind from the Kremlin since Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency in May. Faced with unprecedented street protests against his 12-year rule, Putin accused the U.S. State Department of staging the protests in order to weaken Russia.

After Putin's inauguration, the Kremlin-controlled parliament then quickly rubber-stamped a series of laws imposing new restrictions in an apparent bid to curb American influence in Russia. Non-governmental organizations funded from abroad were required to register as "foreign agents," a term intended to ruin their credibility among Russians for whom the term sounds synonymous to spies. The Russian definition of treason was also expanded to include potentially any contact with a foreign organization.

Two U.S.-based NGOs have closed their Russian offices in response to the new laws. The business daily Kommersant reported Wednesday that the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute, which ran programs championing democratic rights, moved their staff to Lithuania after Russian security officials threatened to prosecute them under the new treason law.

Amnesty International Russia's director, Sergei Nikitin, wrote on his blog Wednesday that the closures "show the stability of the general trend: the pressure on civil society in Russia continues."

After Congress passed a law introducing sanctions against Russian officials involved in human rights abuses, Russia responded by banning all adoptions of Russian orphans by Americans. The country's top investigative agency is also investigating a sexual abuse case against American parents already convicted in the U.S. of abusing their adopted Russian child but given suspended sentences.

Lawmakers in the Kremlin-controlled lower house have also rushed to propose such measures as banning English phrases from Russian and limiting marriages between Russian officials and foreigners.

Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told NPR on Wednesday that the Russian adoption ban was "tragic" and the decision to expel the USAID "really hurts the Russian people."


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SPOILERS INSIDE! Something That Took Me Forever To Figure Out About Life Of Pi. : Books

When I was reading "Life of Pi" I could not remember why Richard Parker's name was so familiar, it drove me nuts throughout the entire book. It wasn't until about a week later that I realized where I knew him from, and it was only because I studied Poe thoroughly in college.

Read the whole story:

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Obama on Clinton: 'I'm going to miss her'

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama lauded Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as one of his closest advisers and said their shared vision for America's role in the world persuaded his one-time rival ? and potential successor ? to be his top diplomat while he dealt with the shattered economy at home.

During a joint interview that aired Sunday, Obama and Clinton chuckled as they described their partnership and stoked speculation that Obama may prefer Clinton to succeed him in the White House after the 2016 elections. Clinton is leaving Obama's Cabinet soon, and speculation about the former first lady and senator has only grown more intense after a heated appearance last week on Capitol Hill.

Both Obama and Clinton batted away questions about future campaigns, but the joint interview ? the president's first with anyone other than first lady Michelle Obama ? was only likely to increase the fascination with Clinton's future.

"The president and I care deeply about what's going to happen for our country in the future," Clinton said. "And I don't think, you know, either he or I can make predictions about what's going to happen tomorrow or the next year."

Obama, who suggested the joint interview as Clinton prepared her exit from the State Department, lavished praise on his rival for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. He called her a friend and an extraordinary talent, and praised "her discipline, her stamina, her thoughtfulness, her ability to project."

It teetered on an endorsement of a 2016 presidential bid that is still an open question. Clinton advisers say she has not made a decision about a run, while Democratic officials suggest Clinton would be an early favorite if she decided to mount another campaign.

Obama and Clinton laughed when asked about the political future.

"You guys in the press are incorrigible," Obama said when pressed on another Clinton presidency. "I was literally inaugurated four days ago. And you're talking about elections four years from now."

The possibility of a presidential campaign for Vice President Joe Biden did not come up during the interview, taped Friday at the White House.

Obama described why he insisted Clinton become his secretary of state.

"She also was already a world figure," Obama said. "To have somebody who could serve as that effective ambassador in her own right without having to earn her stripes, so to speak, on the international stage, I thought, would be hugely important."

It was a job she initially refused. But Obama kept pushing, Clinton said.

"The one thing he did mention was he basically said: 'You know, we've got this major economic crisis that may push us into a depression. I'm not going to be able to do a lot to satisfy the built-up expectations for our role around the world. So you're going to have to get out there and, you know, really represent us while I deal with, you know, the economic catastrophe I inherited."

It's a job she embraced during the last four years. She arrived on the job with a global brand she quickly lent to promoting U.S. interests. In return, the public rewarded her with high approval ratings that could come in handy if she runs in 2016.

But her tenure has had its blemishes. For example, the United States did not directly intervene in the civil war in Syria, where the United Nations says more than 60,000 people have been killed and more than 2 million people have been internally displaced since the start of the conflict in March 2011.

"There are transitions and transformations taking place all around the world. We are not going to be able to control every aspect of every transition and transformation," Obama said, saying his jobs are to protect the United States and engage where the U.S. can make a difference.

In a separate interview with The New Republic, also released Sunday, Obama said, "As I wrestle with those decisions, I am more mindful probably than most of not only our incredible strengths and capabilities, but also our limitations."

On "60 Minutes," he praised Clinton's State Department for helping him sort out what the United States can ? and cannot ? accomplish.

"It has been a great collaboration over the last four years. I'm going to miss her. Wish she was sticking around. But she has logged in so many miles, I can't begrudge her wanting to take it easy for a little bit," Obama said.

It's something of a turnaround from 2007 and 2008, as the two raced through Iowa and New Hampshire and onward. In increasingly bracing language, the two excoriated the other. At one point, a visibly angry Clinton seethed, "Shame on you, Barack Obama."

Obama now jokes about the rivalry.

"Made for tough debates, by the way, because we could never figure out what we were different on," the president said.

Both acknowledged disagreements continue but said they had common goals.

"Are there going to be differences? Yeah. Deep differences? Of course," Clinton said. "You had a lot of strong-willed, -minded people. But the president deserves our best judgment, our advice and then he deserves us to stand with him and to execute."


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Davos: Persuading big business to act on climate change

There was good news and bad news from Davos this year. Dire warnings were issued about the dangers of climate change, but a new report argued that big businesses can limit the temperature rise ? if only governments can unleash their potential.

Movers and shakers from business and government gathered in Davos, Switzerland, last week for the annual World Economic Forum (WEF). They discussed global risks like financial instability, rising food prices and climate change.

The new president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, highlighted a recent report that predicted global temperatures could rise by 4 ?C within decades. "My children could be living in a world that doesn't even resemble the one we live in now," he said.

Green money

It would take $700 billion of investment every year to cut greenhouse gas emissions to a safe level, while allowing continued economic growth.

That's according to the Green Investment Report, issued by the WEF during the meeting.

"We just don't have that much public money," says Dominic Waughray, a senior director of the WEF in Geneva, Switzerland, and one of the authors of the report. The 2008 financial crisis has slashed public funds, he says.

However, Waughray says governments can encourage the private sector to step up. Currently, the world's governments spend $96 billion a year tackling climate change. The WEF report estimates that if they increase that to $130 billion, governments could unleash $570 billion a year of private capital.

To do this, the public money must be used to encourage private investment in green technologies. Rather than funding projects like wind farms outright, Waughray wants the money used to reduce the risk for private investors.

Major infrastructure projects often receive this sort of support. If a company wants to build a power plant in a developing country, but is worried that the country could become unstable, it can buy a form of insurance from the World Bank's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. If the host country becomes unstable and stops buying power from the plant, MIGA covers the lost income.

"The public money is the buffer so the private company feels comfortable with the project," says Waughray.

Stepping up

One such fund was launched in Davos. The International Finance Corporation, part of the World Bank, has started a Catalyst Fund to help companies that are tackling climate change by, for instance, building renewable power plants or boosting energy efficiency. It has already raised $280 million.

There are also signs that businesses are paying attention. In the run-up to the meeting, the Carbon Disclosure Project in London surveyed 2415 companies and found that 70 per cent believed climate change could significantly affect their revenues.

Their major concern is extreme weather events, which can disrupt supply chains. Nearly 700 of the companies were already investing in emissions cuts, and 63 per cent of those companies said they were doing so because climate change was a physical risk to their business.

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Get a great deal on your meeting space - Business Management Daily

meeting venueIf you want to get the most for your money when booking meeting or event space, you need to negotiate, says Anthony Coyle-Dowling, director of sales with Zibrant. Don?t just accept the price you?ve always paid for the place you usually use or take the first price you?re quoted at a new location.

  • Start with research. Review your spending and usage patterns for places you?ve booked in the past. Then identify mistakes that may have cost you money and build a list of preferred suppliers with prearranged rates, terms and conditions.
  • Establish priorities. Think about how your space needs will change in the coming year and consider how those changes will affect your requirements for locations, room sizes, Wi-Fi, parking and quality of venues.
  • Consider a variety of locations. Don?t dismiss properties you?ve rejected in the past. Be aware they are frequently updated and keen to attract new business. New venues may also be eager to establish a client base.
  • Think of ways to save. Venues value volume, so if you can do a variety of events at one location you?ll get a better price. If you can get a good deal that fits your needs, you can benefit in other ways from establishing an ongoing relationship.
  • Add accommodations. Taking a block of rooms in addition to meeting space can add additional savings.
  • Mention added-value items. These include Wi-Fi, parking, food and drink.
  • Look at cancellation contingencies. You want to secure good cancellation terms from the start.
  • Discuss AV and other equipment. These can add a lot to your bill, so take them into account in negotiations.
  • Think about your full spend. Don?t just try to get the best rate on bits and pieces of your booking, think about the package as a whole.
  • Go back and forth with offers. Be fair, but go back and forth to get the best deal you can negotiate. Don?t be afraid to go back after the deal is set if you get an offer of better terms elsewhere.

Online resource: Download our Meeting Planning Checklist.

? Adapted from ?Negotiation, negotiation, negotiation,? Anthony Coyle-Dowling, Executive Secretary.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

New technique sheds light on RNA

New technique sheds light on RNA [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Jan-2013
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Contact: Nicole Fawcett
University of Michigan Health System

U-M researchers develop method that could enhance gene sequencing data

ANN ARBOR, Mich. When researchers sequence the RNA of cancer cells, they can compare it to normal cells and see where there is more RNA. That can help lead them to the gene or protein that might be triggering the cancer.

But other than spotting a few known instigators, what does it mean? Is there more RNA because it's synthesizing too quickly or because it's not degrading fast enough? What part of the biological equilibrium is off?

After more than a decade of work, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a technique to help answer those questions.

The method involves a compound called bromouridine, which can be used to tag or label newly created RNA. Researchers apply the bromouridine for 30 minutes then isolate the RNA to see where the new RNA was made. They call this process Bru-Seq.

On the other hand, the researchers can follow up the bromouridine labeling with a rinse with the chemical uridine for different periods of time. They call this BruChase-Seq because the uridine chases away the newly made RNA so they can look at how the RNA ages over the course of one hour, two hours or six hours. In other words, is the RNA degrading like it's supposed to?

"We can see the whole pattern of all the RNA that's synthesized and all the RNA that's stable vs. degrading. We can sort it out in terms of synthesis and stability and see if a particular RNA is more stable in the cancer cell than the normal cell or if it is taking longer to degrade in the cancer cell than in the normal cell," says study author Mats Ljungman, Ph.D., associate professor of radiation oncology at the U-M Medical School.

"With our technique, we're adding 10-fold more depth to the picture of how genes are expressed," he adds.

Ljungman is part of the Cancer Center's new Translational Oncology Program, which brings together cancer researchers from across the University of Michigan to speed the translation of basic science into clinical trials and new treatment opportunities for patients.

The Cancer Center is currently using gene sequencing techniques to help match advanced cancer patients with potential clinical trial opportunities based on the make-up of their tumor.

In addition to helping with cancer sequencing, Ljungman sees potential for this new technique to help with identifying diseases such as diabetes or inflammation. In the paper describing the technique, published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers describe how they used it to understand an inflammatory response in cells. The researchers have also used the technique to test blood samples.

With a great deal more investigation, Ljungman envisions that one day the test could potentially be offered to people visiting their doctor as a way to monitor changes in the RNA.

"If something is significantly changed from one test to the next, it could be a red flag or an early warning sign of disease. That would be the broadest use of this technology," Ljungman says.


Additional U-M authors: Michelle T. Paulsen, Artur Veloso, Jayendra Prasad, Karan Bedi, Emily A. Ljungman, Ya-Chun Tsan, Ching-Wei Chang, Brendan Tarrier, Joseph G. Washburn, Robert Lyons, Daniel R. Robinson, Chandan Kuman-Sinha, Thomas E. Wilson

Funding: U-M Bioinformatics Program, U-M Bioinformatics Council, Will and Jeanne Caldwell Endowed Research Fund of the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center, U-M School of Public Health, U.S. Department of Defense, Uniting Against Lung Cancer, U-M Nathan Shock Center, U-M Office of the Vice President of Research, National Cancer Institute grant 5R21CA150100, National Institute of Environmental Sciences grant 1R21ES020946, National Human Genome Research Institute grant 1R01HG006786

Disclosure: None

Reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1219192110


U-M Cancer AnswerLine, 800-865-1125
U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Clinical trials at U-M,

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New technique sheds light on RNA [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Jan-2013
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Contact: Nicole Fawcett
University of Michigan Health System

U-M researchers develop method that could enhance gene sequencing data

ANN ARBOR, Mich. When researchers sequence the RNA of cancer cells, they can compare it to normal cells and see where there is more RNA. That can help lead them to the gene or protein that might be triggering the cancer.

But other than spotting a few known instigators, what does it mean? Is there more RNA because it's synthesizing too quickly or because it's not degrading fast enough? What part of the biological equilibrium is off?

After more than a decade of work, researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a technique to help answer those questions.

The method involves a compound called bromouridine, which can be used to tag or label newly created RNA. Researchers apply the bromouridine for 30 minutes then isolate the RNA to see where the new RNA was made. They call this process Bru-Seq.

On the other hand, the researchers can follow up the bromouridine labeling with a rinse with the chemical uridine for different periods of time. They call this BruChase-Seq because the uridine chases away the newly made RNA so they can look at how the RNA ages over the course of one hour, two hours or six hours. In other words, is the RNA degrading like it's supposed to?

"We can see the whole pattern of all the RNA that's synthesized and all the RNA that's stable vs. degrading. We can sort it out in terms of synthesis and stability and see if a particular RNA is more stable in the cancer cell than the normal cell or if it is taking longer to degrade in the cancer cell than in the normal cell," says study author Mats Ljungman, Ph.D., associate professor of radiation oncology at the U-M Medical School.

"With our technique, we're adding 10-fold more depth to the picture of how genes are expressed," he adds.

Ljungman is part of the Cancer Center's new Translational Oncology Program, which brings together cancer researchers from across the University of Michigan to speed the translation of basic science into clinical trials and new treatment opportunities for patients.

The Cancer Center is currently using gene sequencing techniques to help match advanced cancer patients with potential clinical trial opportunities based on the make-up of their tumor.

In addition to helping with cancer sequencing, Ljungman sees potential for this new technique to help with identifying diseases such as diabetes or inflammation. In the paper describing the technique, published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers describe how they used it to understand an inflammatory response in cells. The researchers have also used the technique to test blood samples.

With a great deal more investigation, Ljungman envisions that one day the test could potentially be offered to people visiting their doctor as a way to monitor changes in the RNA.

"If something is significantly changed from one test to the next, it could be a red flag or an early warning sign of disease. That would be the broadest use of this technology," Ljungman says.


Additional U-M authors: Michelle T. Paulsen, Artur Veloso, Jayendra Prasad, Karan Bedi, Emily A. Ljungman, Ya-Chun Tsan, Ching-Wei Chang, Brendan Tarrier, Joseph G. Washburn, Robert Lyons, Daniel R. Robinson, Chandan Kuman-Sinha, Thomas E. Wilson

Funding: U-M Bioinformatics Program, U-M Bioinformatics Council, Will and Jeanne Caldwell Endowed Research Fund of the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center, U-M School of Public Health, U.S. Department of Defense, Uniting Against Lung Cancer, U-M Nathan Shock Center, U-M Office of the Vice President of Research, National Cancer Institute grant 5R21CA150100, National Institute of Environmental Sciences grant 1R21ES020946, National Human Genome Research Institute grant 1R01HG006786

Disclosure: None

Reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1219192110


U-M Cancer AnswerLine, 800-865-1125
U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Clinical trials at U-M,

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Sand Hill Road?s True Belieber

bieber-1Scott Hartley, a venture capitalist at Mohr Davidow, decided to completely overhaul his investment strategy today after returning from a trip to New York. Hartley, who is originally from Palo Alto, spent a few days in New York for meetings and an interview on Bloomberg TV. When he unlocked his Sand Hill Road office today, he found that his colleague Abhas Gupta had cheerfully Bieberized his new desk on the other side of Mohr Davidow?s office. While at first he was shocked, with a little reflection, it sunk in that the mobile-social wave is over, and that while enterprise is cool, the next wave of disruption is Bieber. “I have a belief that ‘Tech is a Horizontal Enablement Layer‘ that disrupts traditional verticals,” he said. “First, we saw this with the Internet in the 90s, then with mobile as a dominant form factor, and social as a proxy toward authenticity. We believe that the next wave will include Bieber, and we are well positioned in this space.” His colleagues and the firm’s LPs, while stunned by this sudden pivot, were understanding and said they felt confident in Hartley’s abilities to identify the very best early-stage teams in this new Bieberification wave. “The question is how will Bieber disrupt traditional verticals,” he said. “We’re investors in RockHealth, pioneers in the digital health category, and we’re actively seeking opportunities in the vertical disruption Bieber is applying on Sand Hill Road.” He’s working on partnering with Y-Bieber-cubator to source deal flow on companies that have evidence of Bieber-gagement, Bieber-tention, boyishly good looks and mesmerizing hair. He added: If I was your VC, I?d never let you go I can scale you places you ain?t never been before Baby take a chance or you?ll never ever know I got money in my hands that I?d really like to blow Swag swag swag, on you


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French, Mali forces head toward Timbuktu

SEVARE, Mali (AP) ? French and Malian troops held a strategic bridge and the airport in the northern town of Gao on Sunday as their force also pressed toward Timbuktu, another stronghold of Islamic extremists in northern Mali, officials said.

The advances come as French and African land forces also make their way to Gao from neighboring Niger in a bid to defeat the al-Qaida-linked Islamists who seized control of northern Mali more than nine months ago.

The French military announced late Saturday that it had liberated the town of Gao, though other officials said the fight to control it was still in progress.

Lt. Col. Diarran Kone, a spokesman for Mali's defense minister, said Sunday that the forces were patrolling Gao and had maintained their hold over the bridge and airport overnight.

The advance on Gao marked the biggest achievement yet for the French and Malian troops since they began their operation to oust the Islamist radicals two weeks ago. It remains unclear, though, what kind of resistance the forces will face in the coming days.

The French special forces, which had stormed in by land and by air, had come under fire from "several terrorist elements" that were later "destroyed," the French military said in a statement on its website Saturday.

In a later press release entitled "French and Malian troops liberate Gao" the French ministry of defense said they were bringing back the town's mayor, Sadou Diallo, who had fled to the Malian capital of Bamako far to the west.

However, a city official interviewed by telephone by The Associated Press said late Saturday that coalition forces so far only controlled the airport, the bridge and surrounding neighborhoods.

And in Paris, a defense ministry official clarified that the city had not been fully liberated, and that the process of freeing Gao was continuing.

Both officials insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

Swooping in under the cover of darkness, the French and Malian forces faced sporadic "acts of harassment" during the day, said Col. Thierry Burkhard, a French military spokesman in Paris. He had no immediate estimate on casualties.

Gao, the largest city in northern Mali, was seized by a mixture of al-Qaida-linked Islamist fighters more than nine months ago along with the other northern provincial capitals of Kidal and Timbuktu.

The rebel group that turned Gao into a replica of Afghanistan under the Taliban has close ties to Moktar Belmoktar, the Algerian national who has long operated in Mali and who last week claimed responsibility for the terror attack on a BP-operated natural gas plant in Algeria.

His fighters are believed to include Algerians, Egyptians, Mauritanians, Libyans, Tunisians, Pakistanis and even Afghans.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon said late Saturday that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has told Le Drian the United States will aid the French military with aerial refueling missions.

U.S. aerial refueling planes would be a boost to air support for French ground forces as they enter vast areas of northern Mali, the size of Texas, that are controlled by al-Qaida-linked extremists.

The U.S. was already helping France by transporting French troops and equipment to the West African nation. However, the U.S. government has said it cannot provide direct aid to the Malian military because the country's democratically elected president was overthrown in a coup last March.

The Malian forces, however, are now expected to get more help than initially promised from neighboring nations.

Col. Shehu Usman Abdulkadir told The Associated Press that the African force will be expanded from an anticipated 3,200 troops to some 5,700 ? a figure that does not include the 2,200 soldiers promised by Chad.

Most analysts had said the earlier figure was far too small to confront the Islamists given the huge territory they hold.

"Because they've seen that the area itself, northern Mali is too large for that number of troops so there was a need to increase the number and that's why we arrived at 5,700," said Abdulkadir, the force commander. "I believe that as time goes on it may be necessary to increase the strength again. Because (when) France pulls out we definitely must have to increase the strength."

Since France began its military operation, the Islamists have retreated from three small towns in central Mali: Diabaly, Konna and Douentza.


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

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Newtown residents join gun control march in Washington

Susan Walsh / AP

People walk from the U.S. Capitol to the Washington Monument in Washington, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, during a march on Washington for gun control.

By Becky Bratu, NBC News

Residents of Newtown, Conn., the scene of a school massacre in which 20 children and six adults were killed last month, joined thousands of people gathered on the National Mall in Washington on Saturday for a march supporting gun control.

Similar organized demonstrations were planned in support of gun control in about a dozen other places across the United States, according to organizers.

In addition to the 100 people who traveled together from Newtown, organizers told The Associated Press participants from New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia would join the demonstration.

Alongside Mayor Vincent Gray, a crowd that stretched for about two blocks marched down Constitution Avenue toward the Washington Monument, where speakers called for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition. Some of the demonstrators held signs that read "We Are Sandy Hook."

Education Secretary Arne Duncan addressed the crowd, saying he and President Barack Obama would work to enact gun control policies, the AP reported.

"This is about trying to create a climate in which our children can grow up free of fear," he said, according to the AP.

"We must act, we must act, we must act," Duncan said.

According to the AP, demonstrators held signs that read "Ban Assault Weapons Now," "Stop NRA" and "Gun Control Now." Other signs carried the names of victims of gun violence.

The silent march is organized by Molly Smith, artistic director of Washington's Arena Stage, and her partner.

"With the drum roll, the consistency of the mass murders and the shock of it, it is always something that is moving and devastating to me. And then, it's as if I move on," Smith told the AP. "And in this moment, I can't move on. I can't move on.

"I think it's because it was children, babies," she told the AP. "I was horrified by it."

The event is co-sponsored by One Million Moms for Gun Control, an independent organization that is also responsible for similar demonstrations in cities such as San Francisco, Chicago and Austin, Texas.

The Newtown massacre has reignited the debate over firearms in the United States, and last week Obama laid out a series of measures intended to curb gun violence, most significantly proposals to limit the size of ammunition magazines, ban assault weapons and require universal background checks on firearm purchases. That plan won little praise from Republicans.

Earlier this month, New York lawmakers approved the toughest gun control law in the nation, expanding the state's existing assault weapons ban and addressing gun ownership by those with mental illnesses.

Supporters of gun control held a rally in Washington D.C. calling for action following the school shooting tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. NBC's Kristen Welker reports.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Recent breakthroughs in cocoa flavanol research discussed by European research consortium and expert panel

Recent breakthroughs in cocoa flavanol research discussed by European research consortium and expert panel [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Jan-2013
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Contact: Anneka Munsch

Leading international experts gather today at the FLAVIOLA International Workshop on Flavanols in Cardiovascular Health in Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium (January 24, 2013) --- Over 50 leading experts will meet today in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss recent breakthroughs in the field of cocoa flavanol research and the key findings of FLAVIOLA an EU-funded consortium dedicated to state-of-the-art research into flavanols, their health benefits and potential applications. Members of the FLAVIOLA consortium will be joined by a number of international researchers to review the outcomes of FLAVIOLA's research and their potential implications on cocoa flavanol-based applications and potential dietary recommendations for flavanol intake.

The workshop, entitled FLAVIOLA International Workshop on Flavanols in Cardiovascular Health, will feature presentations on the project outcomes and wider scientific implications, and will conclude with a panel discussion by leading international scientific and medical experts. Workshop proceedings will be developed following the meeting in order to publically communicate the collective views of the FLAVIOLA consortium and experts in the field.

"We now have a strong understanding of flavanols' cardiovascular and circulatory health benefits and the past few years have seen a number of significant research advances many of which have been driven by FLAVIOLA scientists," commented Professor Malte Kelm, FLAVIOLA Scientific Director and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cardiology, Pulmonary Diseases, Vascular Medicine, and Intensive Care Medicine at Heinrich-Heine University, Dsseldorf. "This multidisciplinary research has focused on linking the chemistry of flavanols with their benefits for human health and has deeply improved our understanding of the function, delivery and potential health applications of these unique and fascinating compounds."

FLAVIOLA leverages the latest innovations in chemistry, cardiovascular function analysis, food processing technology, and analytics to drive forward investigations into the biological action of flavanols and apply this knowledge in the development of evidence-based dietary recommendations and innovative products. Specifically, FLAVIOLA focuses on providing new insights in four key areas - the analysis of flavanols, flavanol consumption, the impact of flavanols in healthy people, and the potential mechanisms of action of flavanols.

Recent research by FLAVIOLA scientists has shed new light on the types and amounts of flavanols in cocoa, as well as the impact of food processing and manufacturing on the flavanol content of certain food products. New findings have also advanced understanding of what happens to flavanols in the human body following consumption, and provided insights into the mechanisms of action that underlie the biological effects of this phytonutrient. FLAVIOLA researchers have also compiled a comprehensive database of the amounts and types of flavanols consumed in 14 countries across the European Union. This will enable better interpretation of dietary intervention studies and clearer associations between flavanol consumption and health and disease.

"By advancing our knowledge of the health benefits, function and delivery of flavanols, FLAVIOLA has the potential to have a far-reaching impact on public health," said Professor Marc Merx, FLAVIOLA Coordinator and Professor at the Department of Cardiology, Pulmonary Diseases, Vascular Medicine, and Intensive Care Medicine, Heinrich-Heine University, Dsseldorf. "The breadth and quality of the research undertaken by FLAVIOLA would not have been possible without the diverse partners from across Europe that were brought together for this project."


Funded under the seventh framework programme of the European Commission, FLAVIOLA brings together the expertise and unique skill set of food scientists, nutritionists, biochemists, molecular biologists, cardiovascular physicians, and epidemiologists. The multidisciplinary team involves researchers from eight partners from academia, industry and government organisations, including Heinrich-Heine University (Germany), Mars, Incorporated (Belgium), University of Reading (UK), Maastricht University (Netherlands), INRA French National Institute for Agricultural Research (France), Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), Ghent University (Belgium) and SciProm (Switzerland).

For more information about FLAVIOLA and the FLAVIOLA International Workshop on Flavanols in Cardiovascular Health, please visit:


FLAVIOLA is a pan-European research project, funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission. The project aims to provide crucial insights into the nutritional and biomedical properties of flavanols ranging from the cellular level to their impact on the population at large. FLAVIOLA's vision is that through collaborative and cutting-edge research, it will lay the foundation for the development of evidence-based dietary recommendations and innovative food products that harness the benefits of flavanols for cardiovascular health.

About flavanols

Flavanols are a group of naturally-occurring compounds found in cocoa beans, grapes, tea leaves and various fruits and vegetables. A significant body of published research has shown that consumption of flavanols can improve the performance of the circulatory system and may help support cardiovascular health. The FLAVIOLA project is committed to using the latest techniques to further understand these benefits and explore the biological action of flavanols at the organism, organ, cellular and sub-cellular level.

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Recent breakthroughs in cocoa flavanol research discussed by European research consortium and expert panel [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Jan-2013
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Contact: Anneka Munsch

Leading international experts gather today at the FLAVIOLA International Workshop on Flavanols in Cardiovascular Health in Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium (January 24, 2013) --- Over 50 leading experts will meet today in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss recent breakthroughs in the field of cocoa flavanol research and the key findings of FLAVIOLA an EU-funded consortium dedicated to state-of-the-art research into flavanols, their health benefits and potential applications. Members of the FLAVIOLA consortium will be joined by a number of international researchers to review the outcomes of FLAVIOLA's research and their potential implications on cocoa flavanol-based applications and potential dietary recommendations for flavanol intake.

The workshop, entitled FLAVIOLA International Workshop on Flavanols in Cardiovascular Health, will feature presentations on the project outcomes and wider scientific implications, and will conclude with a panel discussion by leading international scientific and medical experts. Workshop proceedings will be developed following the meeting in order to publically communicate the collective views of the FLAVIOLA consortium and experts in the field.

"We now have a strong understanding of flavanols' cardiovascular and circulatory health benefits and the past few years have seen a number of significant research advances many of which have been driven by FLAVIOLA scientists," commented Professor Malte Kelm, FLAVIOLA Scientific Director and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cardiology, Pulmonary Diseases, Vascular Medicine, and Intensive Care Medicine at Heinrich-Heine University, Dsseldorf. "This multidisciplinary research has focused on linking the chemistry of flavanols with their benefits for human health and has deeply improved our understanding of the function, delivery and potential health applications of these unique and fascinating compounds."

FLAVIOLA leverages the latest innovations in chemistry, cardiovascular function analysis, food processing technology, and analytics to drive forward investigations into the biological action of flavanols and apply this knowledge in the development of evidence-based dietary recommendations and innovative products. Specifically, FLAVIOLA focuses on providing new insights in four key areas - the analysis of flavanols, flavanol consumption, the impact of flavanols in healthy people, and the potential mechanisms of action of flavanols.

Recent research by FLAVIOLA scientists has shed new light on the types and amounts of flavanols in cocoa, as well as the impact of food processing and manufacturing on the flavanol content of certain food products. New findings have also advanced understanding of what happens to flavanols in the human body following consumption, and provided insights into the mechanisms of action that underlie the biological effects of this phytonutrient. FLAVIOLA researchers have also compiled a comprehensive database of the amounts and types of flavanols consumed in 14 countries across the European Union. This will enable better interpretation of dietary intervention studies and clearer associations between flavanol consumption and health and disease.

"By advancing our knowledge of the health benefits, function and delivery of flavanols, FLAVIOLA has the potential to have a far-reaching impact on public health," said Professor Marc Merx, FLAVIOLA Coordinator and Professor at the Department of Cardiology, Pulmonary Diseases, Vascular Medicine, and Intensive Care Medicine, Heinrich-Heine University, Dsseldorf. "The breadth and quality of the research undertaken by FLAVIOLA would not have been possible without the diverse partners from across Europe that were brought together for this project."


Funded under the seventh framework programme of the European Commission, FLAVIOLA brings together the expertise and unique skill set of food scientists, nutritionists, biochemists, molecular biologists, cardiovascular physicians, and epidemiologists. The multidisciplinary team involves researchers from eight partners from academia, industry and government organisations, including Heinrich-Heine University (Germany), Mars, Incorporated (Belgium), University of Reading (UK), Maastricht University (Netherlands), INRA French National Institute for Agricultural Research (France), Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), Ghent University (Belgium) and SciProm (Switzerland).

For more information about FLAVIOLA and the FLAVIOLA International Workshop on Flavanols in Cardiovascular Health, please visit:


FLAVIOLA is a pan-European research project, funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission. The project aims to provide crucial insights into the nutritional and biomedical properties of flavanols ranging from the cellular level to their impact on the population at large. FLAVIOLA's vision is that through collaborative and cutting-edge research, it will lay the foundation for the development of evidence-based dietary recommendations and innovative food products that harness the benefits of flavanols for cardiovascular health.

About flavanols

Flavanols are a group of naturally-occurring compounds found in cocoa beans, grapes, tea leaves and various fruits and vegetables. A significant body of published research has shown that consumption of flavanols can improve the performance of the circulatory system and may help support cardiovascular health. The FLAVIOLA project is committed to using the latest techniques to further understand these benefits and explore the biological action of flavanols at the organism, organ, cellular and sub-cellular level.

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